
a cloud deployment client for different providers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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                     / ___/ /__  __ _____/ / / _ \___ ___  / /__  __ _____ ____
                    / /__/ / _ \/ // / _  / / // / -_) _ \/ / _ \/ // / -_) __/
                    \___/_/\___/\_,_/\_,_/ /____/\__/ .__/_/\___/\_, /\__/_/   
                                                   /_/          /___/         


Cloud Deployer is a python library used to spawn entire cloud architectures based on descriptional csv files.

Table of Contents


for an AWS deployment:

from  cloud_deployer.aws import AWS  
aws = AWS("us-east-1", aws_access_key_id="******", aws_secret_access_key="********", global_tags = {}, global_architecture = {})
aws = aws.create_vpcs("/home/me/input_files_samples/vpcs.csv")

for an openstack deployment:

from cloud_deployer.openstack import Openstack   
os = Openstack(username="admin",password="****",tenant_name="admin",auth_url="", global_architecture = {})
os = os.create_vpcs("/home/me/input_files_samples/vpcs.csv",external_pool = "external")

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first of all to prepare the environment, install the packages:

apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev

then to avoid some openstack-clients errors in latest version:

pip install -U setuptools

after that just install:

python cloud-deployer/setup.py install

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_vpcs("/home/me/input_files_samples/vpcs.csv")

creates aws vpcs from csv files.

  • Openstack:
os = os.create_vpcs("/home/me/input_files_samples/vpcs.csv",external_pool = "external")

creates openstack projects, assigns them specified user with admin role, and updates their quotas, and add external pool the architecture description dictionary. external_pool: the public network pool defined in openstack.

parameters indicated in the csv file: vpc: vpc name. cidr: CIDR range associated with the vpc. ENV,Group: tags to be added to the created resources (AWS only).

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_igws("/home/me/input_files_samples/igws.csv")

creates aws internet gateways from csv files.

  • Openstack:
os = os.create_igws("/home/me/input_files_samples/igws.csv",external_pool = "external")

creates an openstack external router, assigns the external network for the external gateway info. external_pool: the public network pool defined in openstack.

parameters indicated in the csv file: vpc: vpc group associated with it.

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_peering("/home/me/input_files_samples/peerings.csv")

creates aws vpc peering connections from csv files.

  • Openstack: ***Not Implemented YET ( due to openstack VPNaaS Issues )

parameters indicated in the csv file: peering: vpc group associated with it. vpc: vpc group associated with it (peering source). vpc_peer: vpc group (peering destination, that needs manual approval).

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_route_tables("/home/me/input_files_samples/route-tables.csv")

creates aws empty route tables.

  • Openstack:
os = os.create_route_tables("/home/me/input_files_samples/route-tables.csv")

adds csv file content to the architecture description dictionary, for laster use.

parameters indicated in the csv file: (csv file used for create_routes function too) route_table: route table name. vpc: vpc group associated with it. route_type: defines the route type, could be "peering" / "instances" . route: route name , could be peering route (ex: "VPC_PEERING"), an instance (ex: "nat.vpc1"). cidr: network cidr to route to.

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_subnets("/home/me/input_files_samples/subnets.csv")

creates aws subnet and associate it to corresponding route table.

  • Openstack:
os = os.create_subnets("/home/me/input_files_samples/subnets.csv", dns_servers = {'vpc1':'','vpc2':''})

creates openstack network , creates subnet with DNS nameservers and associated to the created network, create internal router for communication inter subnets, and then creates routes. dns_servers :dictionary dfines associated dns server to each vpc.

parameters indicated in the csv file: subnet: subnet name. acl: netwrk acl to attach to. vpc: vpc group associated with it. cidr: subnet cidr . availability_zone: availability zone to create in. instances: instances associated with (optional description). route_table: which route table to associate to. description: (optional description field).

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_security_groups("/home/me/input_files_samples/sgs.csv")

creates aws security groups and security group rules in each group.

  • Openstack:
os = os.create_security_groups("/home/me/input_files_samples/sgs.csv")

creates openstack security groups and security group rules in each group. ***egress rules not yet implemented (openstack api/ client doesn't have this feature yet).

parameters indicated in the csv file: security_group: security group name. acl: netwrk acl to attach to. sg_description: security group description. vpc: vpc group associated with it. ingress/egress: "ingress" or "egress" rule . src/dst: source or destination machine/group of machines targeted (optional description). cidr: CIDR targeted to allow in this rule. from: starting point of port range(included). to: ending point of port range(included). tcp: if tcp port, this field to be marked with an "". udp: if udp port, this field to be marked with an "". icmp: if icmp port, this field to be marked with an "*". description: (optional description field).

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_instances(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/instances.csv", ami_id="ami-12345678", keys_path="/home/me/keys")

creates aws key pair if non existing, creates instance with all corresponding parameters including user-data defined in config file, and roles in csv file, then allocate and associate an elastic ip address if instructed. ami_id :the image id to use in creating the instance. keys_path :a local folder path where to store generated ssh keys if non existing.

  • Openstack:
os = os.create_instances(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/instances.csv", ami_id="ami-12345678", keys_path="/home/me/keys",external_pool = "external")

creates openstack key pair if non existing, creates instance with all corresponding parameters including user-data defined in config file, and roles in csv file, then allocate and associate a public ip address if instructed. ami_id :the image id to use in creating the instance. keys_path :a local folder path where to store generated ssh keys if non existing. external_pool : the public network pool defined in openstack.

parameters indicated in the csv file: instance: instance name. security_groups: security groups to assoicate with. subnet: subnet to create in. vpc: vpc group associated with it. access_key_name: ssh access key (created only if non existing) . ip: ip address to affect to the instance within the subnet range. public_ip: mark with "YES" if want to associate it with a public ip. type: instance type/flavor from existing catalogue. roles: roles to pass within userdata (optional element). run: mark "YES" if want to spawn this instance.

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_dhcps(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/dhcps.csv")

creates aws dhcp options set in the specified vpc.

  • Openstack: ***Not Implemented YET ( non existing service on openstack, already simulated with injected DNS values in subnets , and changing /etc/neutron/dnsmasq-neutron.conf to associate a cidr with default internal domain name ).

parameters indicated in the csv file: dhcp: dhcp options set name. vpc: vpc group associated with it. domain_name: default domain name to associate with the indicated vpc . domain_server: DNS server fqdn to turn to when contacting dhcp (ex: "dns.vpc1").

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_ebs(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/ebs.csv")

creates aws ebs and attaches it to indicated instance.

  • Openstack:
os = os.create_ebs(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/ebs.csv")

creates openstack volume and attaches it to indicated instance.

parameters indicated in the csv file: ebs: ebs name. size: size in Gbs. vpc: vpc group associated with it. zone: availability zone to create in. instance: instance fqdn to associate with (ex:"machine1.vpc1") description: (optional description field) run: mark "YES" if want to spawn this instance.

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_routes(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/route-tables.csv")

creates aws "peering"/ "instances" route types.

  • Openstack:
os = os.create_routes(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/route-tables.csv")

creates openstack "instances" route types (no peering for the moment in openstack) by adding static routes to internal router.

parameters indicated in the csv file: (csv file used for create_routes function too) route_table: route table name. vpc: vpc group associated with it. route_type: defines the route type, could be "peering" / "instances" . route: route name , could be peering route (ex: "VPC_PEERING"), an instance (ex: "nat.vpc1"). cidr: network cidr to route to.

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_elbs(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/elbs.csv")

creates aws elb, registers instances in this elb, creates an elb policy, and set the policy for this elb.

  • Openstack:
os = os.create_elbs(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/elbs.csv")

creates openstack pool, creates health monitors, and asscociates them to this pool, then creates vip, cerates and associates a floating ip with the vip, then attaches instances to ths pool by creating openstack members

parameters indicated in the csv file: (csv file used for create_routes function too) elb: elb name. vpc: vpc group associated with it. subnets: subnets where the elb creates its proxies. security_groups: security groups to associate with the elb. listeners: listeners definition port/protocol. servers: instances fqdn to regsiter with the elb (ex: "nat.vpc1"). policy_name: elb policy name to create. policy_type: elb policy type to create. attributes: network cidr to route to. ports: instances open ports to serve to.

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_acls(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/acls.csv")

creates aws acls with their acl rules.

  • Openstack: ***Not Implemented YET ( due to openstack FWaaS Issues )

parameters indicated in the csv file: security_group: security group name. acl: netwrk acl to attach to. sg_description: security group description. vpc: vpc group associated with it. ingress/egress: "ingress" or "egress" rule . src/dst: source or destination machine/group of machines targeted (optional description). cidr: CIDR targeted to allow in this rule. from: starting point of port range(included). to: ending point of port range(included). tcp: if tcp port, this field to be marked with an "". udp: if udp port, this field to be marked with an "". icmp: if icmp port, this field to be marked with an "*". description: (optional description field).

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  • AWS:
aws = aws.create_acl_associations(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/subnets.csv")

associates aws network acls with their corresponding subnets.

  • Openstack: ***Not Implemented YET ( due to openstack FWaaS Issues )

parameters indicated in the csv file: subnet: subnet name. acl: netwrk acl to attach to. vpc: vpc group associated with it. cidr: subnet cidr . availability_zone: availability zone to create in. instances: instances associated with (optional description). route_table: which route table to associate to. description: (optional description field).

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Use Case

this is a real use case to create a whole aws architecture from the ground up.

from  cloud_deployer.aws import AWS  
aws = AWS("us-east-1", aws_access_key_id="******", aws_secret_access_key="********", global_tags = {}, global_architecture = {})
aws = aws.create_vpcs("/home/me/input_files_samples/vpcs.csv")
aws = aws.create_igws("/home/me/input_files_samples/igws.csv")
aws = aws.create_peering("/home/me/input_files_samples/peerings.csv")
aws = aws.create_route_tables("/home/me/input_files_samples/route-tables.csv")
aws = aws.create_subnets("/home/me/input_files_samples/subnets.csv")
aws = aws.create_security_groups("/home/me/input_files_samples/sgs.csv")
aws = aws.create_instances(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/instances1.csv", ami_id="ami-12345678", keys_path="/home/me/keys")
aws = aws.create_dhcps("/home/me/input_files_samples/dhcps.csv")
aws = aws.create_instances(csv="/home/me/input_files_samples/instances2.csv", ami_id="ami-12345678", keys_path="/home/me/keys")
aws = aws.create_ebs("/home/me/input_files_samples/ebs.csv")
aws = aws.create_routes("/home/me/input_files_samples/route-tables.csv")
aws = aws.create_elbs("/home/me/input_files_samples/elbs.csv")
aws = aws.create_acls("/home/me/input_files_samples/acl.csv")
aws = aws.create_acl_associations("/home/me/input_files_samples/subnets.csv")

then you can dump architecture description dictionary, in order to have an archi-state.

import json
my_dump.write(json.dumps(os.global_architecture, ensure_ascii=False))

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Copyright and License

This packge is licensed under the MIT license. For more info , refer to the license file in the main repository.

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