Force Video is a Salesforce Lightning App to practice with Salesforce configuration, APEX code, and Lightning Web Components.
There is a demo user available to try the app:
- Login URL:
- User:
- Password: 12345678A
- Account, Avatar, Content, Season, and Episode custom objects with their own Lightning Record Page and Compact Layout.
- Series and Movies record types.
- Available in the AppLauncher.
- Force Video icon and colors are displayed.
- Customized Home Page: see all your active content at once.
- Click on the desired content to access to its record page.
- Custom Tabs: Home, Accounts, Avatars and Contents.
- Accounts are also accessible from the home page.
- Account record page with some basic information.
- There are some validation rules:
- NIF format must be eight numbers plus a character.
- Email format must end in '.com' or '.es'.
- Subscription start date can't be earlier than the account created date.
- There are some validation rules:
- Renewal subscription manual flow.
- Renewal subscription automatic flow:
- If the Automatic Renewal checkbox is checked, when the subscription start date is expired, account will be automatically updated.
- The user will be notified by email.
- Choose between Movies, Series or a Total subscritpion - the available content will be affected.
- Avatar's related list.
- If a new Account is created, a new avatar (Primary Avatar) will be created.
- There can not exist more than 4 avatars per Account.
- See the available content from the content tab.
- Avatar record page with some basic information.
- There are some validation rules:
- Parental control is not available if the avatar selected is the Primary Avatar.
- There is only one primary avatar per account.
- It is not possible to delete a Primary Avatar.
- It is not possible to uncheck the primary avatar checkbox. If you try, an alert will be displayed.
- If an avatar is selected as Primary Avatar, the previous Primary Avatar will be removed as the Primary Avatar.
- There are some validation rules:
- A list of all active, inactive, and discontinued content.
- Content record page with some basic information.
- Content records come from OMDb API.
- Content record type must start with 'tt'.
- These tabs are not visible by default.
- It is possible to access to a season record page or to a episode record page from their Content Record Page.
- Season record page contain the list of episodes.
- Episode record page contain some basic information of the episodes.
- Episode record type must start with 'tt'.
- Account and Avatar triggers.
- Classes to call the OMDb API, wrapper classes, and upserting DML operations.
- Content Gallery LWC, Content Tile LWC, Content Gallery Home Page LWC.
- Display the content list in the Home Page and in the Account Record Page.
- Open the content record page by clicking on its details.