Kernel Current Source Density

This is the 2.0 version of kCSD inverse method proposed in

J. Potworowski, W. Jakuczun, S. Łęski, D. K. Wójcik "Kernel Current Source Density Method" Neural Computation 24 (2012), 541–575

For details see the bioRxiv pre-print

Health Report

Continuous Integration (Travis):

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Documentation Status:


Autogenerated documentation available from readthedocs:


Also included here are installation instructions, authors and their contributions, citation policy, contacts etc.,

Also included are Tutorials!

Earlier Stable versions

Please see git tags for earlier versions

  • v1.2 corresponds to the first time kCSD-python released as a python package
  • v1.0 corresponds to the version with the test cases written inside tests folder
  • v1.1 corresponds to the elephant python library version - no tests here


Modified BSD License