Java code examples for Cassandra driver
Aspect to look after in the Cassandra client application
- Cluster
- Session
- Compression
- Authentication and Encryption
- Connection Pooling
- SimpleStatement
- PreparedStatement
- AsynchrnousExecution
- Policies
– LoadBalancing
- Retry
- SpeculativeExecution
- Query with tracing
Data Type Matching Between CQL Type and Java Type
CQL Java
=== ====
boolean java.lang.Boolean
int java.lang.Integer
bigint java.lang.Long
float java.lang.Float
double java.lang.Double
text java.lang.String
ascii java.lang.String
timestamp java.util.Date
uuid java.util.UUID
timeuuid java.util.UUID
varint java.math.BigInteger
decimal java.math.BigDecimal
blob java.nio.ByteBuffer
list<E> java.util.List<E> where E is also a type from this list
set<E> java.util.Set<E> where E is also a type from this list
map<K,V> java.util.Map<K,V> where K and V is also a types from this list
(user type) com.datastax.driver.core.UDTValue
(tuple type) com.datastax.driver.core.TupleValue