Expo project to show how to use Notifee with Expo

What was done to create this:

  • initiate a blank expo typescript project npx expo-cli init
  • install Notifee expo install @notifee/react-native
  • copy the plugin from my PR: svn export https://github.com/abumalick/notifee/trunk/packages/react-native/plugin
  • install expo-module-scripts: yarn add -D expo-module-scripts
  • modify plugin tsconfig.json extend to "extends": "expo-module-scripts/tsconfig.plugin", (It does not generate files here when extending default expo tsconfig file)
  • build plugin yr tsc -p plugin/tsconfig.json (I get 224 errors but it compiles)
  • install expo dev client expo install expo-dev-client
  • add plugin to configuration: "plugins": ["./plugin/build"]
  • yarn expo prebuild
  • Check build.gradle, the compileSdkVersion should be 31 cat android/build.gradle | grep compileSdkVersion
  • yarn expo run:android (Didn't test that, I don't have JDK 11 setup properly on my computer)

Steps to start building on EAS

  • add postinstall strict in package.json: "postinstall": "tsc -p plugin/tsconfig.json"
  • eas init
  • eas build -p android
  • add android.image to eas.json profiles "image": "ubuntu-18.04-jdk-11-ndk-r19c"
  • eas build -p android

Add Notifee example code

rm App.tsx
svn export https://github.com/abumalick/notifee/trunk/packages/react-native/example/App.tsx
svn export https://github.com/abumalick/notifee/trunk/packages/react-native/example/src


Install svn in macOS

https://stackoverflow.com/a/64566557/1673761 https://stackoverflow.com/a/70659881/1673761