HTML Edit (Web Dev IDE)

What is it? video preview HTML Edit is an IDE tailored specifically for web devs(but not limited to). You must be thinking "we already have vs code or other better options."
Yeah, I know but it's just a side project through which I aim to provide a ux similar to when you're using Visual Studio (not code) or Android Studio whereby it feels integrated (hence ide) rather than loose (code editor) where you have to add plugins for very basic features.


Any contributions are welcome.
The project uses Java FX 17 as it's primary GUI platform with a build system that comes with every IDE (I use Intellij and NetBeans) and works offline (ANT) so there's really no much setup overhead.

What is needed

  • Code Editor [Syntax Highlighting & Code Suggestions] Preferably an engine/library
    I've tried in the past year to integrate with various javaFx code editors(there's only one which offers jar file) but they don't offer docs.

    Most of the other features are almost done.
    Most of the code is self documented (not javadoc).


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