CSCI2270 Super Smash Bros. 4 Binary Search Tree

Project Summary

This program takes a collection of data about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (or Super Smash Bros. 4) and puts the data inside of a Binary Search Tree. This data includes characters and their ranks, and the universe that they come from. The user is able to search for a character by a certain rank that they are looking for, or search for the rank of a character by the character's name. The Binary Search Tree is formed from data that is dumped into a text file that is organized by commas. The data was taken by parsing the HTML source of a website with the script that is included in this repository.

How to Run

Open terminal and clone my git repository into preferred directory

git clone

Navigate into the cloned repo

cd Kim_CSCI2270_FinalProject

To compile this program run(in the command line or terminal):


To run:

./ssb4.o chars.txt


All you need is a c++ compiler that will compile with c++11

System Requirements

Mac or Linux

Group Members

Bum Soo Kim
Bum Soo Kim
Bum Soo Kim
Bum Soo Kim


Bum Soo Kim
Bum Soo Kim
Bum Soo Kim
Bum Soo Kim

Open issues/bugs

When running the program, if the user hits up on the arrow key or CTRL+[anything] and then hits Enter, the program will enter an infinite loop.

User input is case sensitive, so names must be capitalized.