
This case study of the German Corona Warn App is used to demonstrate the impact of uncertainty on confidentiality.

Eclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0

Case Study: Corona Warn App

This repository contains Palladio software architecture models based on the German Corona Warn App. This app represents a large enterprise system of systems that has been commissioned by the German government, developed by SAP and Deutsche Telekom during the COVID-19 pandemic, and downloaded more than 48 million times. The contact tracing app exchanges keys between users via Bluetooth and handles highly sensitive data like COVID-19 test results.

We modeled all important functionality of the Corona Warn App, e.g., the exchange, download, and upload of keys, checking COVID-19 test results, requesting vaccination certificates, or gathering analysis data. The models in this repository are primarily used to evaluate confidentiality analysis and Uncertainty Impact Analysis. However, other use cases for software architecture research evaluation are imaginable.

Please refer to the original publication: S. Hahner, R. Heinrich, and R. Reussner, "Architecture based Uncertainty Impact Analysis to Ensure Confidentiality", in 18th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), IEEE/ACM, 2023, doi: 10.1109/SEAMS59076.2023.00026

The primary sources of the modeled information are:


There are multiple branches that reflect different versions of the case study:

  • The main branch contains the main case study with all Palladio models and additionally modeled confidentiality information
  • The uncertainty-impact-scenarios branch contains 4 scenarios that have been used to evaluate the Uncertainty Impact Analysis


Please use Palladio to open the model files. To use the models in confidentiality analysis or uncertainty impact analysis, see the installation guide.

In the following, we show the repository diagram and the allocation diagram. Click the images for a full size view.

Repository diagram

Repository diagram

Allocation diagram

Allocation diagram

More information

For more information, please refer to https://abunai.dev.