Just some examples from the Hypermedia Systems book but adopted for Clojure. Obviously this is just for educational purposes only and you should not actually run this server on the internet.
Points of interest:
- SPA-like - No hard reloads, no FOUC
- Although HTMX script is included, I didn't have to write any JS.
- The entire app is ~300 lines? The equivalent for an SPA would likely be more, not to mention the hassle of the transpilation necessary etc.
- http server - ring/reitit
- html - hiccup
- style - bootstrap
- ajax - htmx
- Generic in-memory CRUD feature at /contacts
- An "archiver" feature, which will just tar.gzip any directory on your harddisk (I just needed something CPU intensive enough to experiment with making a progress-bar)
- requires
- requires