- 0
Including standared spectra for spectral fits.
#183 opened by Astroanj - 0
- 3
Missing SPEX-PRISM fits files
#175 opened by JosephKarpinski - 2
- 3
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: splat-2023.5.27-py3.11.egg\\db\\source_data.txt
#178 opened by rodriguezvaniac - 1
#181 opened by carlosiac - 2
Easy Fix - ImportError: cannot import name 'trapz' from 'scipy.integrate' (/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.12/site-packages/scipy/integrate/
#180 opened by ctheissen - 1
Github Install Documentation Incorrect
#174 opened by JosephKarpinski - 2
Reading models as spectrum objects
#148 opened by daniellabardalezgagliuffi - 1
Index CH4-J missing from measureIndexSet(sp, set='bardalez')
#151 opened by daniellabardalezgagliuffi - 1
Classification doesn't work even if models are already on local machine (while SPLAT is down)
#166 opened by ctheissen - 1 needs a comma
#169 opened by christinawilliams - 4
Setting up SPLAT
#149 opened by Will-Cooper - 1
- 1
Setting up SPLAT on Windows
#150 opened by SharonDiamant - 1
modelFitEMCEE error: local variable 'modelset' referenced before assignment
#164 opened by davesahman - 0
LinAlgError in .toWavelengths(wavegrid)
#165 opened by camille-004 - 0
incomplete documentation
#160 opened by d1jacobs - 1
Index error when loading spectrum
#159 opened by davesahman - 0
Errors with sp.plot()
#158 opened by Tianxing-Sky-Zhou - 4
FileNotFound Error when importing splat.Splat
#147 opened by matthewD-AVI - 1
- 2
ValueError: Syntax for function is Spectrum.filterMag(filter,magnitude)
#156 opened by daniellabardalezgagliuffi - 2
splat.measureIndexSet(sp, set='bardalez') doesnt return measurements for H2O-Y and J-curve
#157 opened by daniellabardalezgagliuffi - 1
simulate.Masses(nsamp, distribution='powerlaw') always returns the same distribution
#154 opened by daniellabardalezgagliuffi - 0
- 0
- 0
simulate.volumeCorrection Issue
#146 opened by caganze - 1
splat filtermag
#145 opened by caganze - 0 _loadInterpolatedModel cannot interpolate models with different resolutions
#144 opened by chihchunhsu - 0
Suggestion: Add ax=ax option to plotSpectrum
#143 opened by caganze - 1
modelParameters breaking with NaNs
#140 opened by daniellabardalezgagliuffi - 1
Loose printing statement
#142 opened by ctheissen - 1
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 25
- 0
- 3
empirical.typeToMag - local variable 'ref' referenced before assignment
#136 opened by daniellabardalezgagliuffi - 1
- 3
Invalid syntax Error for Splat
#131 opened by dorsa-pearl - 1
Model Interpolation Problem
#124 opened by chihchunhsu - 1
Return error for getStandard
#129 opened by MRickardUK - 1
- 0
xmatch is not working at the moment
#130 opened by aburgasser - 1
simulateAges finds index out of range on "protective offset"
#128 opened by daniellabardalezgagliuffi - 2
- 1
allers indices are not quite working
#126 opened by aburgasser - 0
add GAIA DR2 to query and source list
#125 opened by aburgasser