
This project consists of 2 parts

  1. BS23-SC24-Assignment-Backend (With BS23-SC24-Assignment-Backend.test for unit testing)
  2. BS23-SC24-Assignment-Frontend


  1. .Net (8.0 LTS)
  2. Node (20.11.0 LTS)

Get the project:

  1. Clone the repository with the command: git clone

Clone Project

Run the backend of the project:

  1. Navigate the folder: BS23-SC24-Assignment-Project/BS23-SC24-Assignment-Backend
  2. Open the solution file with Visual Studio: BS23-SC24-Assignment-Backend.sln
  3. Configure ConnectionStrings in appsettings.json to connect with your PostgreSQL database or you can change the database in Program.cs by commenting out the AddDbContext of PostgreSQL and uncommenting the AddDbContext of SQLite. Currently, this project supports any of the PostgreSQL and SQLite databases.
  4. Open NuGet Package Manager Console from: Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console.
  5. Run this command to create a migration: Add-Migration init.
  6. Run this command to create the database for the first time: Update-Database.
  7. Run the project with the IIS Express option.

appsettings.cs Configurations

database Toggle in program.cs

Package Manager Console

IIS Express

Run the frontend of the project:

  1. Navigate the folder: BS23-SC24-Assignment-Project/BS23-SC24-Assignment-Backend
  2. Open the folder with Visual Studio Code.
  3. Open the integrated terminal of the Visual Studio Code from: Terminal > New Terminal.
  4. Run this command to install dependencies: npm i.
  5. Run this command to start the project npm run dev.

Run the Unit Test:

  1. Open the backend project in Visual Studio
  2. Right-click on the Project BS23_SC24_Assignment_Backend.tests in the Solution Explorer, then select Run Tests.
  3. Alternatively, run the test from: Test > Run All Tests.

Run Unit Tests

Unit Tests Result

API Requests and Responses

The images below show some API calls using Postman

API Register

API Login

API JWT Auth Bearer Token

API Get Tasks List

API Get Task by ID

API Create Task

API Update Task

API Delete Task

Frontend Views of the Project

Navigation between the pages is automated for authorization. The user must log in before the task pages, and else login page will automatically display.

Register Page

Login Page

My Task List Page

All Task List Page(Admin)

Create Task Page

Update Task Page

Delete Task Confirmation

Logout Confirmation