
Assign Subject and Auto Migration based on GST result BU

Primary LanguageC++


Assign Subject and Auto Migration based on GST result BU

File Formats:


  1. First line will contain 2 variables n and m. Where n is the total number of students and m is the total number of available subjects.
  2. Next line will contain m strings representing the m subjects accordingly
  3. Next line will contain m integers representing the total seats on that subjects accordingly
  4. The i-th line of the next n line will contain an integer ki representing the marit position of i-th student, a value 0 or 1 representing auto migration on or off(0 is for auto migration off) of the i-th student, a integer value ji representing the total number of subject choices of the i-th student and ji strings representing the subject choices respecting the order.


10 7
2 2 1 2 1 1 1
1 1 7 D B A C E F G
2 1 7 C B E D F G A
3 1 7 A B C D E F G
4 1 7 G F E D C B A
5 1 7 G C B A D E F
6 1 7 A G B F C E D
7 1 7 G F E A B C D
8 1 7 A B G C D E F
9 1 7 A G B C D E F
10 1 7 G D E C B F A


  1. First line will contain an integer n representing the number of students who didn't get admitted to the selected subject.
  2. The next line will contain n integers representing the marit position of the n students who didn't get admitted to the selected subject.
  3. The next line will contain an integer m representing the number of students who want to off the auto migration.
  4. The next line will contain m integers repregenting the marit position of the m students who want to off the auto migration.




  1. Top of the file will contain the full data of the file subjectChoice.in and then a blank line.
  2. The next line will contain n strings where i-th of them represents the assigned subject of the i-th student respecting the order of the marit position and a blank line.
  3. The i-th line of the next m lines (m is the number of subjects) will contain a number ki representing the total number of seats and ki integers representing the marit positions of the selected student of the i-th subject in assending order and a blank line.
  4. The i-th line of the next m lines will contain a number li representing the total number of the students in the queue of the subject to get auto migrated. And li integers representing the marit positions of the students accordingly.


10 7
2 2 1 2 1 1 1
1 1 7 D B A C E F G
2 1 7 C B E D F G A
3 1 7 A B C D E F G
4 1 7 G F E D C B A
5 1 7 G C B A D E F
6 1 7 A G B F C E D
7 1 7 G F E A B C D
8 1 7 A B G C D E F
9 1 7 A G B C D E F
10 1 7 G D E C B F A


3 6
5 8
1 9

2 8 9
1 9
2 5 9
1 10
4 5 7 9 10


  1. First line will contain an integer n representing the total number of students.
  2. The i-th line of the next n lines will contain 1 integer and 1 string ki and li representing the marit position of i-th student and the assigned subject, then an integer pi representing the total number of subjects where the student is in the queue to get auto migrated.(If auto migration is off for this student, this integer will be 0). Then pi strings accordingly representing the subjects.


1 D 0
2 C 0
3 A 0
4 G 0
5 B 2 G C
6 A 0
7 F 1 G
8 B 1 A
9 D 4 A G B C
10 E 2 D G


  1. First line will contain an integer m representing the total number of the subjects.
  2. The i-th line of the next m lines will contain an integer pi as the total number of seats in the subject. Then pi integers representing the marit positions of the students who got assigned to the subject. Then an integer qi representing the number of the students wh are on the queue of the subject to get auto migrated to the subject. Then qi integers representing the marit positions of the students who ate in the auto migration queue of the subject.


2 3 6 2 8 9
2 5 8 1 9
1 2 2 5 9
2 1 9 1 10
1 10 0
1 7 0
1 4 4 5 7 9 10

How to run this Project?

To make the first run (Assign subject for the first time):

  1. Open terminal or power-shell.
  2. run g++ Subject_Selection.cpp
  3. For linux: run ./a.out, for Windows: run ./a.exe
  4. The result is now stored in 'dataFile.io'.

To make migration:

Must do the first run to get correct results.

  1. Open terminal or power-shell.
  2. run g++ Make_Migration.cpp
  3. For linux: run ./a.out, for Windows: run ./a.exe
  4. The result is now stored in 'dataFile.io'.

Get Student based Output:

Must do the first run or migration to get correct results.

  1. Open terminal or power-shell.
  2. run g++ stuGetSub.cpp
  3. For linux: run ./a.out, for Windows: run ./a.exe
  4. The result is now stored in 'stuGetSub.out'.

Get Subject based Output:

Must do the first run or migration to get correct results.

  1. Open terminal or power-shell.
  2. run g++ sub.cpp
  3. For linux: run ./a.out, for Windows: run ./a.exe
  4. The result is now stored in 'sub.out'.