
PyTorch project example for DL-DIY course at Ecole Polytechnique

Primary LanguagePython


This is an illustrative example for a deep learning project in pytorch for the DL-DIY course. We use the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) to show how could the code be structured for easier testing of new architectures and parameters, tracking of results and improving of the models.


The original GTSRB datasets consists of large .ppm images of scenes with bounding box coordinates for the traffic signs. We use here a post-processed variant where signs have already been cropped out from their corresponding images and resized to 32 x 32.

We use a similar set-up with the Udacity course for the data. You can download the zipped data from here.

A presentation of the dataset, its content and statistics on classes can be accessed here.

Project structure

The project is structured as following:

├── loaders
|   └── dataset selector
|   └── gtsrb_loader.py # loading and pre-processing gtsrb data
├── models
|   └── architecture selector
|   └── lenet.py # classical CNN
|   └── resnet.py # relatively recent CNN 
|   └── squeezenet.py # highly compressed CNN
├── toolbox
|   └── optimizer and losses selectors
|   └── logger.py  # keeping track of most results during training and storage to static .html file
|   └── metrics.py # code snippets for computing scores and main values to track
|   └── plotter.py # snippets for plotting and saving plots to disk
|   └── utils.py   # various utility functions
├── commander.py # main file from the project serving for calling all necessary functions for training and testing
├── args.py # parsing all command line arguments for experiments
├── trainer.py # pipelines for training, validation and testing


Experiments can be launched by calling commander.py and a set of input arguments to customize the experiments. You can find the list of available arguments in args.py and some default values. Note that not all parameters are mandatory for launching and most of them will be assigned their default value if the user does not modify them.

Here is a typical launch command and some comments:

  • python commander.py --dataset gtsrb --name gtsrb_lenet_optsgd_lr1e-3_lrdecayPlateau0.5_bsz128 --batch-size 128 --optimizer sgd --scheduler ReduceLROnPlateau --lr 1e-3 --lr-decay 0.5 --step 15 --epochs 100 --arch lenet --model-name lenet5 --root-dir /data/ --num-classes 43 --workers 4 --crop-size 32 --criterion crossentropy --tensorboard
    • this experiment is on the gtsrb dataset which can be found in --root-dir/gtsrb trained over LeNet5. It optimizes with sgd with initial learning rate (--lr) of 1e-3 which is decayed by half whenever the --scheduler ReduceLRonPlateau does not see an improvement in the validation accuracy for more than --step epochs. Input images are of size 32 (--crop-size). In addition it saves intermediate results to --tensorboard.
    • when debugging you can add the --short-run argument which performs training and validation epochs of 10 mini-batches. This allows testing your entire pipeline before launching an experiment
    • if you want to resume a previously paused experiment you can use the --resume flag which can continue the training from best, latest or a specifically designated epoch.
    • if you want to use your model only for evaluation on the test set, add the --test flag.
    • when using resnet you should upsample the input images to ensure compatibility. To this end set --crop-size 64


For each experiment a folder with the same name is created in the folder root-dir/gtsrb/runs This folder contains the following items:

├── checkpoints (\*.pth.tar) # models and logs are saved every epoch in .tar files. Non-modulo 5 epochs are then deleted.
├── best model (\*.pth.tar) # the currently best model for the experiment is saved separately
├── config.json  # experiment hyperparameters
├── logger.json  # scores and metrics from all training epochs (loss, learning rate, accuracy,etc.)
├── res  # predictions for each sample from the validation set for every epoch
├── tensorboard  # experiment values saved in tensorboard format


In order the visualize metrics and results in tensorboard you need to launch it separately: tensorboard --logdir /root-dir/gtsrb/runs. You can then access tensorboard in our browser at localhost:6006 If you have performed multiple experiments, tensorboard will aggregate them in the same dashboard.
