
Packages used

auto_size_text: To resize texts according to screen size

flutter_spinkit: Designer circular progess indicator

auth_buttons: Out of the box button for google sign in

firebase_core: firebase_auth: To use firebase authentication functionality.



google_sign_in: For signing in using google, to get the google account credentials.

provider: For state management across multiple screens.

Problems Faced

1. Structuring the database was a bit time consuming but once the backend structure
    is complete then it became quite easy to implement the whole application.
2. The design was not anything predefined so it was a bit of a dilemma whether to
    spend more time on a good design or just go through minimal design but eventually
    it turned out to be okay.

Project backend structure

1. User Collection
    - contains user's email and username when they sign in using google
2. Auction Collection
    - contains information about all the auctions
3. Bidding Collection
    - contains information about which users have placed a bid under a particular auction post.