
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Exercise 2: Triangle Kata

A triangle can be classified across a few dimensions, one of which is based on the lengths of its sides.

  • A triangle is scalene if all of its three sides are different.
  • If two of its sides are equal, a triangle is called isosceles.
  • A triangle with all three equal sides is called equilateral.


Create a class TriangleClassifier with the following method: classify(len1, len2, len3)

This method accepts three numeric values each representing the length of one side of a triangle. It returns a classification, scalene, isosceles, or equilateral, where the return value corresponds to the actual type of the triangle. In addition, the classify method should perform error checking if the given lengths of the sides cannot correspond to a real triangle. In this case, it should raise the error ArgumentError.


Using affix, write tests for and build the App module to integrate TriangleClassifier with index.html.