
A tool to find sensitive keys and passwords in Travis logs

Primary LanguagePython

TravisLeaks 🚀

A tool to find sensitive keys and passwords in Travis logs

travis gif


Read the Blog post here

Just enter the Travis user name of the organization. The script will automatically find out all jobs and then do two things:

  1. Look for ED's keywords for potential leaks
  2. Use the concept of entropy to find potential API keys in the logs

Requirements (using travisleak.py script)

Python 3.X
pip install requests


python travisleak.py travis_user_name




The keywords for the potential leak was taken from ED's blog post here

The concept of entropy was adapted from here


This tool still needs a lot of development. I would be glad if someone would like to contribute to this project.


  • Better output format
  • Support CircleCI scans