
Port of the rc-switch library to micropython.

Receiving and decoding RC codes

Find out what codes your remote control sends out. Use your remote control to control esp32. All you need is an esp32, a 315/433 MHz AM receiver (although there is no manual yet, but you can hack an existing device), and a remote control. At the moment the library only supports signal reception and decoding.

The cc1101 module uses SPI to communicate with the esp32. Configure the module so that it receives the signal in raw mode. Use pin gd0 / gd2 to initialize the rc-switch library.


This code is an esp-idf project. You will need esp-idf to compile it. Newer versions of esp-idf may introduce incompatibilities with this code; for your reference, the code was tested against verstion v4.4

make BOARD=GENERIC_C3 clean
make BOARD=GENERIC_C3 USER_C_MODULES=micropython.cmake deploy

For docker (use ep.sh for entrypoint)

docker run -it --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 -v "$(pwd)"/cc1101:/esp32/cc1101 esp-idf:v4.4 /bin/bash -c "/esp32/cc1101/ep.sh"

How to use

from rcswitch import RCSwitch

#callback function
def getCode(val):

rf = RCSwitch()
rf.enableReceive(10, getCode) # set the pin number and callback func

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