
Extensions which allows server side modules to have it's own localization files

Primary LanguageJava


Extensions which allows server side modules to have it's own localization files



At first you need to mark that your mod requires server side localtization. To do this simply add @Localizedannotation to your main mod class After that you class should look like this

//acceptableRemoteVersions needed to indicate that your mod doesn't require any clint side modification
@Mod(modid = "example", acceptableRemoteVersions="*") 
public class ExampleMod {
 //events and logic

After that you must create lang folder into your resources directory. In this folder you should put all your *.lang files which would be injected into I18n registry

That how it looks

|-- src
    |-- main
        |-- resources
            |-- lang
                |-- en.lang
                |-- ru.lang
                |-- fr.lang

####Working with localized strings

String localized = SI18n.get("key") //to access localized string by key
String localizedFormatted = SI18n.get("key.formatted", 3.14f) //you can provided arguments for formatting after key
String localizedSpecialLocale = SI18n.getL("fr", "key") //explicitly specifying locale