
A simple chatbot for rolling dice fairly. It implements a subset of DnD 5E rules to help with bookkeeping. It integrates with LINE, and there are instructions.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Dicebot is a simple chatbot. It has a kind of framework for adding new verbs, and supports stateful verbs (via GCP Cloud Datastore, or local files.)

There is a simple CLI, for easy tweaking and development:

go run ./cmd/db/*go

There is also a Google Appengine app that implements a LINE webhook:

gcloud app deploy ./app/dicebot --project=${YOUR_GCP_PROJECT}

To get the bot running inside your LINE groups, you'll need to:

  • setup an official "LINE Business ID" account (instructions here)
  • get the channel secret for that account
  • get a long-lived channel token for that account
  • mv ./pkg/config/myconfig.sample ./pkg/config/myconfig.go
  • edit the new file, putting in your secret & token
  • deploy the app
  • update your LINE biz acount config, point it to your new webhook (https://host/line - the host is your new appengine service URL)

A few of the verbs work together to implement a subset of the the 5E DnD rules, to automate skill checks, attacks, etc.


The help verb dumps out some usage; and when a player first starts using the bot, they need to claim their character name.

db help

db bot claim strider       # First: claim a character name


The db char command controls your basic character sheet - class, name, attributes, weapons, etc. So yeah, this is all a bit clunky, but you only do it once !

db char                       # review your character
db char list                  # see what you can set
db char set str 12            # set an attribute (can remove some too)

db char set armor plate       # specify what armor you're wearing
db char set shield 1          # assert you're carrying a shield (set to 0 to unassert)
db char set weapon longsword  # can have multiple; last added is default attack

db inv                        # review your inventory
db inv stash some rope        # add to your inventory

Once it knows your class and level, it will list what buffs (class features) you have. For ones where you get to choose, you can add the buff by hand.

No support for magic weapons/armor (yet).


Need to roll dice ? Oh boy, that's why we're here ! The attribute checks are all made against those of your character.

db roll 4d6+3                      # just roll 'em
db roll vs int                     # save vs int, default difficulty class
db roll vs str >=15 withadvantage  # "hard" (DC=15), but with advantage
db roll vs wis for NOTICING BEAR   # explain what the roll is (gets printed in the result)


The db spells command lets you set up your list of prepared spells, and keeps track of your slots as you cast them.

db spells -init wizard int 4 2  # specify your spell slots (and proficiency attribute)

db spells                       # review your prepared spells, and uncast slots
db spells add cure-wounds       # prepare a spell, so you can cast it later
db spells remove web            # remove a spell, then replace it

db spells cast cure-wounds [3]  # cast the spell [at level 3] - consumes a slot
db spells refresh               # have a long rest, and regain all your slots


This verb automates a fair bit of the attack rules. It works on copies of the characters and of the monster definitions. The idea is to take care of most bookkeeping, but let you do things by hand too.

For a player, the default weapon is the most recent one added via db char set weapon. They can also specify an attack with any of their other listed weapons. And if they're a spellcaster, they can attack with the special weapon magic, which will do a magic attack roll.

Monsters can use any of their named actions as attacks.

## Things the DM will do
db attack -reset                   # clear the slate
db attack add orc.4 wolf.6         # add in ten monsters (see `db rules monster`)
db attack strider by wolf.2 bite   # second wolf uses `bite` to attack player `strider`

## Things a player can do
db attack                          # review the state of things
db attack join                     # auto-rolls initiative

## Weapon attacks
db attack wolf.1                   # attack with default weapon
db attack wolf.2 with shortbow     # use a different weapon
db attack wolf.3 advantage         # you have advantage !
db attack wolf.2 wolf.3 4d6        # do 4d6 damage to two wolves

## Spellcasters can also attack
db attack wolf.4 magic-missile

# Cast at a higher level, with damage shared over multiple targets
db attack wolf3 wolf.4 magic-missile level 4

## Finally, you can tweak the HP and AC values as you see fit
db attack player2 tweak hp +5     # player2 gets healed !
db attack wolf.4  tweak hp -9     # the wolf takes some damage
db attack player3 tweak ac -4     # player3's armor breaks :(

The arguments to db attack can mostly be in any order, except you need the by player (or by monster) to come before the name of the weapon/action.

One gotcha about casting spells in db attack - that will consume a spellslot from the main character data object, not the copy in the encounter.


You can create various named lists, which can keep count of items.

db list money  add 15 gp    # treasure :)
db list money  remove 5 gp  # costs :(

db list quests add obtain mcguffin

db list mylist add 100 arrows


The bot knows about some spells, equipment, character buffs, and monsters, courtesy of https://github.com/bagelbits/5e-database. It'll search for matches if you type a substring.

db rules equip sword        # list all the things that sound like a sword
db rules spell cure-wounds  # get details on a particular spell
db rules monster goblin
db rules buff fighter       # list all the fighter buffs

Misc notes

On LINE, it needs to maintain a mapping between the LINE user IDs and the names that identify characters. The easiest way is to get users to claim their name once they're logged into LINE: db bot claim NAME. Note that until the user has agreed to the bot's Terms of Use, the user IDs won't be visible to the bot; the user needs to add the bot to their friend list and agree to the ToU.

If you are an admin user (see ./config/myconfig.go), you will need to claim your name too :) Once you have it, you can then masquerade as other users, by prefixing all your bot commands with as USER, e.g. db as foobar roll vs int.