A native implementation of RSA encryption/decryption, sign/verify. Implementation is in PKCS1 for public Implementation is in PKCS8 for private
iOS 10+ android 4.1+ (API 16)
Features: Encryption, Decryption, Sign, Verify
$ yarn add react-native-minds-encryption
$ npm install react-native-minds-encryption --save
$ react-native link react-native-minds-encryption
In your React Native Xcode project, right click on your project and go 'Add Files to ...', then navigate to /node_modules/react-native-minds-crypto/ios and select the Crypto.xcodeproj file. Then in the build settings for your target under 'Link Binary With Libraries', add libCrypto.a.
import Encryption from 'react-native-minds-encryption';
const publicKey = '...';
const privateKey = '...';
const secret = '...';
Encryption.encrypt('1234', publickey)
.then(encodedMessage => {
Encryption.decrypt(encodedMessage, privateKey)
.then(message => {
Encryption.sign(secret, keys.private)
.then(signature => {
Encryption.verify(signature, secret, publicKey)
.then(valid => {