
Learn backend API for experimenting with Bitcoin wallets, transactions, and more.

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Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License

Learn Bitcoin Backend For Wallets

Welcome to Learn Bitcoin Backend, an interactive API environment designed for experimenting with Bitcoin wallets, transactions, and blockchain interactions. This toolkit offers a hands-on approach to understanding and implementing Bitcoin-related functionalities.

Project Checklist

  • Create wallet
  • Create HD wallet
  • Create Multisig Wallet
  • Retrieve Wallet from MNEMONIC
  • Get balance of an address
  • Get transactions of an address
  • Verify transaction
  • Send transaction
  • Receive transaction using QR Code
  • Create timelock transaction
  • Estimate transaction fee
  • Validate Bitcoin address
  • Fetch historical Bitcoin data
  • Implement reimbursement functionality
  • Implement recurring payments functionality

Getting Started

To get started with the API, follow the steps below:

  1. Install the required dependencies:
    npm install
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine:
    git clone https://github.com/ac12644/bitcoin-api-playground.git
  3. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd bitcoin-api-playground
  4. Install the project dependencies:
    npm install
  5. Start the server:
    node app.js

Now you're ready to interact with the API endpoints described below.

API Endpoints

Create Wallet

  • Endpoint: /wallet
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Create a new wallet and get its details.

Create HD Wallet

  • Endpoint: /wallet/hd
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Create a new hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet and get its details.

Create Multisig Wallet

  • Endpoint: /wallet/multisig
  • Method: POST
  • Request Body:
  "publicKeys": ["public_key_1", "public_key_2", "public_key_3"],
  "requiredSignatures": 2
  • Description: Create a Multisig wallet.

Retrieve Wallet

  • Endpoint: /wallet/retrieveWallet
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Import wallet details from a mnemonic phrase.

Get Balance

  • Endpoint: /transactions/balance/:address
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get the balance of a specific address.

Get Transactions

  • Endpoint: /transactions/:address
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get the transactions associated with a specific address.

Send BTC

  • Endpoint: /sendbtc
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Send Bitcoin from a specific address to another.


  • Endpoint: /timeLock
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a time-locked Bitcoin transaction.

Estimate Transaction Fee

  • Endpoint: /feeEstimate
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Estimate transaction fees based on network congestion.

Validate Bitcoin Address

  • Endpoint: /validateAddress
  • Method: GET
  • Query Parameters: address: The Bitcoin address to validate.
  • Description: Validate the format of a Bitcoin address and determine if it belongs to the mainnet or testnet.

Fetch Historical Bitcoin Data

  • Endpoint: /historicalData
  • Method: GET
  • Query Parameters: startDate: The start date for the historical data (format YYYY-MM-DD). endDate: The end date for the historical data (format YYYY-MM-DD).
  • Description: Fetch historical data for Bitcoin, such as past prices and transaction volumes.


Here are some example requests and responses for the API endpoints:

Create Wallet


GET /wallet


  "privateKey": "abcf123456789...",
  "address": "mvWqrftxCJa5eSKp229gkZbMf2XXrfZe9p"

Create HD Wallet


GET /wallet/hd


  "xpub": "xpub6Dp5dtLR...",
  "privateKey": "xprv9s21ZrQH...",
  "address": "mvWqrftxCJa5eSKp229gkZbMf2XXrfZe9p",
  "mnemonic": "word1 word2 word3 ..."

Get Balance


GET /transactions/balance/:address


  "balance": 0.01234567

Get Transactions


GET /transactions/:address


  "transactions": [
      "txid": "0004128cae112e3e1b4ae628b7a78c9ec105a120152ddf65c12f9398fbcb1b20",
      "version": 2,
      "locktime": 2437735,
      "vin": [
          "txid": "8fa65fb497ce511a9134ebb8710b1e650148ce3c871b8a814509b938316786f7",
          "vout": 1,
          "prevout": {
            "scriptpubkey": "0014f10a55ec5dd506e2c84505b78c8d779d7cd1be4b",
            "scriptpubkey_asm": "OP_0 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 f10a55ec5dd506e2c84505b78c8d779d7cd1be4b",
            "scriptpubkey_type": "v0_p2wpkh",
            "scriptpubkey_address": "tb1q7y99tmza65rw9jz9qkmcerthn47dr0jtxtgg69",
            "value": 1224074
          "scriptsig": "",
          "scriptsig_asm": "",
          "witness": [
          "is_coinbase": false,
          "sequence": 4294967294
      "vout": [
          "scriptpubkey": "76a914e7d8367357aa01fbdc6b51c9cae3113059fb602688ac",
          "scriptpubkey_asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 e7d8367357aa01fbdc6b51c9cae3113059fb6026 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
          "scriptpubkey_type": "p2pkh",
          "scriptpubkey_address": "n2eqQ65kSrDRHz5QYkGe3GTVDiJYeuatmV",
          "value": 7868
          "scriptpubkey": "76a9146a7c340d7b74f3d347182df2b049f535be8dbafd88ac",
          "scriptpubkey_asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 6a7c340d7b74f3d347182df2b049f535be8dbafd OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
          "scriptpubkey_type": "p2pkh",
          "scriptpubkey_address": "mqDziBnVjjFT9oZjRxNGPuatxTf245zybf",
          "value": 1216059

Send BTC


POST /sendbtc

Request Body:

  "to": "destination_BTC_address",
  "amount": 0.01


  "txId": "transaction_id"

Verify Transaction


POST /verifyTx

Request Body:

// for multiple transactions
  "txids": ["transaction_id_1", "transaction_id_2", ...]

// for single transaction
  "txids": "transaction_id"


  "txid": "transaction_id_1",
  "confirmed": true/false,
  "confirmations": "number_of_confirmations",
  "message": "Transaction is confirmed/unconfirmed."

Verify Transaction


POST /verifyTx

Request Body:

// for multiple transactions
  "txids": ["transaction_id_1", "transaction_id_2", ...]

// for single transaction
  "txids": "transaction_id"


  "txid": "transaction_id_1",
  "confirmed": true/false,
  "confirmations": "number_of_confirmations",
  "message": "Transaction is confirmed/unconfirmed."

Estimate Transaction Fee


GET /feeEstimate


  "1": 87.882,
  "2": 85.123,

Validate Bitcoin Address


GET /validateAddress?address=yourBitcoinAddressHere


  "address": "yourBitcoinAddressHere",
  "isValid": true,
  "network": "mainnet"

Fetch Historical Bitcoin Data


GET /historicalData?startDate=2022-01-01&endDate=2022-01-31


  "prices": [...],
  "volumes": [...]

Getting Test BTC

To get test BTC for your generated wallet, you can visit testnet-faucet.com which provides a faucet for Bitcoin testnet.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contribute by creating a pull request.

Happy learning and exploring with your Bitcoin wallet API!

Feel free to modify and customize the content according to your specific needs.