
An attempt at recreating the spotify player using only the Web API's

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Spotify Web API Player Example

This is a Web Player built using the Spotify Web API. For trying it out, you can navigate to http://lab.possan.se/thirtify/ or clone the project and run it locally.

Web API Player Example Screenshot

Note that you will need a Spotify account (either free or premium) to log in to the site.

How to Run

You will need to run a server. The example is ready to work in the port 8000, so you can do:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

and open http://localhost:8000 in a browser. (This requires python to be installed on your machine.)


Most of the functionality offered through the Spotify Web API endpoints is implemented in this player:

  • Play 30 second audio previews
  • Render track, album and artist information
  • Render new releases in Spotify and featured playlists
  • Search for tracks
  • Fetch user's playlists, rename then and change their visibility
  • Delete track from playlist
  • Fetch user's saved tracks and save a tracks
  • Follow and unfollow artists or users
  • Check if the user is following an artist or user