
Primary LanguageJavaScript


An API that fetches the most relevant results for the given search term

  • Stores the results for an overarching term in mongodb (eg. cricket, football, etc)
  • apiRequest.js periodically makes calls to the Youtube Data API V3 to store the results in an output file
  • DataAggregator.js periodically checks to see if any pending data (from the output file) is to be stored in the database (Uses mongo db for database).

  • server.js runs an express server that services the GET requests.
  • Required API endpoint URI: "/"
  • parameters to be sent are:
    1. resPerPage (results per page)
    2. q (the search term)
    3. curPage (the required page number)
  • The results will be displayed as a JSON array required objects as shown below:

API endpoint

Initialise as a node project

  1. Install node. (npm should come installed along with node installation)
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. run npm install in the repository's root directory to install the dependencies of the project.
  4. Install MongoDB.
  5. Set up all config variables marked by the // TODO comments according to your local preferences.
  6. run npm start to start the processes (This also starts the express server for the required API).