
Automation to create OKD/OpenShift in VMware ESXi or cloud environments

OpenShift Deployment Automation

This project is a series of Ansible playbooks to set up and configure an OpenShift or OKD environment on top of ESXi or GCP from scratch. This means no creating VM templates or setting up an OS by hand.

This will:

  • Set up as many master and regular node instances as you'd like in your cluster
  • Register them with RHSM (if RHEL)
  • Update them
  • Install OpenShift or OKD

OpenShift or OKD?

If you'd prefer to install OKD, please set the openshift_type variable to origin and not openshift-enterprise in your inventory file


  • Download CentOS or RHEL ISO and place it in the files/ folder
  • Grab an example host/group_vars directory from the inventories/ directory and edit variable and inventory files as necessary

Note: You must fill out ansible_host in the hosts file for this to work properly.

Creating creds.yml

It is recommended that you use Ansible Vault to create the credential file.

To do so, type ansible-vault create creds.yml and vim will open.

Add the following variables:

Variable Description Example
rhsm_username Red Hat Subscription Username foo@bar.com
rhsm_password Red Hat Subscription Password password
rhsm_master_pool_id Red Hat Subscription pool ID for master/infra nodes 1234-abcdef
rhsm_node_pool_id Red Hat Subscription pool ID for worker nodes 5678-abcdef
oreg_auth_user Username for registry.redhat.io - likely the same as rhsm_username foo@bar.com
oreg_auth_password Username for registry.redhat.io - likely the same as rhsm_password password
gcp_project If GCP is selected, GCP project 26455-foo
gcp_dns_zone DNS zone to use. This project will create A records for each instance. foo.bar.com
gcp_service_account_email GCP service account email address foo@bar.iam.gserviceaccount.com
gcp_service_account_file JSON file GCP gives you when creating a new service account /gcp/foo-abcdef123.json
gcp_ssh_key Path to SSH key to use for GCP instances, or SSH public key. If public key, just replace this string with the key. {{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/k8s.pub') }}


Variables are stored in group_vars/all.yml and associated host_vars files.


This can be set to either esxi or gcp.


For now, you will need to add your vSwitch/DVS information into roles/esxi/packer/packer_template.j2

TODO: Fix this


To run, issue ansible-playbook -i <INVENTORY FILE> --ask-vault-pass main.yml

Bug Tracking

oshift_reg_url: openshift/openshift-ansible#11419