
Terraform | Deploy a brand new Avi Controller (standalone or cluster) in vCenter environment and boostrap it.

Primary LanguageHCL



Terraform | Deploy a brand new Avi Controller (standalone or cluster) in vCenter environment and boostrap it.


  • Terraform installed in the orchestrator VM
  • environment variables:
export TF_VAR_vsphere_username=******
export TF_VAR_vsphere_password=******
export TF_VAR_avi_old_password=******
export TF_VAR_avi_controller_url=****** # defines the url where Avi controller OVA image will be downloaded
  • If you don't know a URL to download Avi, you can always run 'python3 -m http.server' in the folder where you have Avi ova controller downloaded.
  • Avi ova controller can be downloaded at customerconnect.vmware.com


Terraform Plan has/have been tested against:


  • how to install
  • version tested
Terraform v1.0.6
on linux_amd64
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/null v3.1.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/template v2.2.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/vsphere v2.0.2

Avi Version tested



  • All the variables are stored in each folder in the variables.tf file.

Use this repo to:

  • Spin up n Avi Controller vCenter environment:
    • if var.dhcp is true, VM(s) will obtain IPs through DHCP
    • if var.dhcp is false, VM(s) will obtain IP configuration through:
      • IP(s) via var.avi_ip4_addresses (",,")
      • Netmask via var.network_mask ("")
      • Gateway via var.gateway4 ("")
    • if var.cluster is false, 1 VM controller will be deployed
    • if var.cluster is true, 3 VM controller will be deployed and configured as a cluster
git clone https://github.com/tacobayle/tfVmwAviController
cd tfVmwAviController/01_infra
# initialize your variables in variables.tf
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
  • update admin password:
    • if var.avi_password is defined it will be used to configure Avi password and Avi passphrase
    • if var.avi_password is not defined a random password will be generated and used to configure Avi password and Avi passphrase, it will be displayed at the end
# initialize your variables in variables.tf
cd ../02_avi_username; terraform init; terraform apply -auto-approve -no-color -var-file=../controllers.json
  • Configure Avi System config:
    • DNS servers via var.avi_dns_server_ips (",,")
    • NTP servers via var.avi_ntp_server_ips (",,")
# initialize your variables in variables.tf
cd ../03_avi_config; terraform init; terraform apply -auto-approve -no-color -var-file=../controllers.json -var-file=../.password.json  
  • Configure Avi cluster (if var.cluster is true):
    • Avi cluster will be configured
    • A sanity check will make sure the cluster has been configured properly
# initialize your variables in variables.tf
cd ../04_avi_cluster; terraform init; terraform apply -auto-approve -no-color -var-file=../controllers.json  -var-file=../.password.json
  • Configure Avi cloud (vcenter type) without IPAM and without DNS profile
    • Avi cloud will be configured
    • Default Service Engine Group will be updated
# initialize your variables in variables.tf
cd ../05_avi_vcenter_cc; terraform init; terraform apply -auto-approve -no-color -var-file=../controllers.json  -var-file=../.password.json
  • Configure BGP parameters in a VRF
    • BGP will be enabled
    • BGP peers will be configured
# initialize your variables in variables.tf
cd ../06_vrf_bgp; terraform init; terraform apply -auto-approve -no-color -var-file=../controllers.json  -var-file=../.password.json
  • Configure Avi VS without IPAM and without DNS profile
    • Avi application profile will be configured
    • Avi network profile will be configured
    • Avi pool profile will be configured
    • Avi vs-vip will be configured
    • Avi vs will be configured
# initialize your variables in variables.tf
cd ../07_avi_vs; terraform init; terraform apply -auto-approve -no-color -var-file=../controllers.json  -var-file=../.password.json
  • Configure Avi VS without IPAM and without DNS profile advertised by BGP
    • Avi application profile will be configured
    • Avi network profile will be configured
    • Avi pool profile will be configured
    • Avi vs-vip will be configured
    • Avi vs will be configured
# initialize your variables in variables.tf
cd ../07_avi_vs; terraform init; terraform apply -auto-approve -no-color -var-file=../controllers.json  -var-file=../.password.json