
React Frontend for the Noire server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Noire Web Application

React Frontend for the Noire server

WARNING: Noire is currently under active development and not ready for production use


To spin off a local web server with live reload:

npm run start


WebPack 4 is used to bundle the application by running:

npm run build


Uses Jest for running tests and assertions, and Enzyme for asserting, manipulating, and traversing React Components output



Style Guide

The Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide is used as a base for linting.

Linting is done by ESLint, which runs Prettier for code formatting and error fixing, which also takes into consideration EditorConfig rules.

Files and Folder Structure

Files should stick to lower-case with dashes as separators (Pascal Case? ) and the .jsx extension used for React components. They should be grouped by domain first (app, bootcamp, admin, etc.). Common components and code should be placed in a core directory.

Each React component should be placed in its own file and be the default export. The component name should match the file name, but converted to Camel Case? (user-list.jsx should export a UserList component).

Imports are resolved both from node_modules and the src directory, making it possible to replace import HomePage from './src/pages/home/home-page.jsx' with import HomePage from 'pages/home/home-page'

Inspiration taken from:

