Bookstore application

A simple CRUD API application built with FastAPI. The application allows to add, delete, update and view books. Additionally, the functionality to search in titles using keywords is provided.

Installting/getting started

This application is dockerized, to start up docker container use $ docker-compose up.


Built With

  • Python 3.10
  • FastAPI 0.79.1
  • SQLAlchemy 1.4.40

detailed information on other libraries used can be found in Pipfile.lock.


Setting up Dev

To develop this application further:

  1. clone this repository - git clone
  2. start up local environment - pipenv shell


Tests are written using pytest library. To run tests use command: pytest

Style guide

The style is checked by linter - flake8 and formatter - black. To check the configuration, read pre-commit-config.yaml. Pre-commit hook is added and code style checked before each commit.

API reference

To check API documentation go to localhost:8000/docs

The application should run on localhost:8000. The available endpoints are:

  • / - GET, POST
  • /{book_id} - GET, PUT, DELETE
  • /search - GET (searching by keyword)


Project uses SQLite database.