
Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Give your agents a voice with Echo.

Echo is a WebSocket server for conversational agents with low latency and support for interrupts. You can read the origin blog post here.


Development Server

Echo is an Elixir Phoenix application. I will eventually provide a Docker image, but there isn't any right now. You can run the server by installing Elixir and Phoenix, setting the required environment variables and running:

mix phx.server

This will start a server running on port 4000 with a single endpoint: ws://localhost:4000/conversation. I highly recommend you run on a GPU-enabled machine and set XLA_ENV=cuda120. I can get very low latency, but only by running transcription on a GPU.

Docker Deployment

Alternatively, you can build a Docker image from the included Dockerfile


Using the format:


Assuming you clone this repo and cd into the root of the repo (where the Dockerfile is):

docker build -t echo .

This will build a Docker image with the tag echo, but you can rename the tag or choose to not include any.

You can also pass any of the following as a --build-arg:

  • ELIXIR_VERSION (defaults 1.15.0)
  • OTP_VERSION (defaults 26.0.2)
  • DEBIAN_VERSION (defaults bullseye-20230612-slim)
  • BUILDER_IMAGE (defaults hexpm/elixir:${ELIXIR_VERSION}-erlang-${OTP_VERSION}-debian-${DEBIAN_VERSION})
  • RUNNER_IMAGE (defaults debian:${DEBIAN_VERSION})

You should not need to adjust the default values, but if you need to consult the Dockerfile itself for information on their usage.


Then to run the server do:

docker run -e SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(mix phx.gen.secret) -e OPENAI_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY -e ELEVEN_LABS_API_KEY=YOUR_OTHER_API_KEY -p 4001:4000 echo

The Dockerfile builds the server as a production release, so you'll need to include the SECRET_KEY_BASE string. mix phx.gen.secret will generate a new secret for you, but you can use any secrey you desire.

-p 4001:4000 binds your host's port 4001 to the containers port 4000. If you want to bind to a different port on your host machine just change the first number, like -p PORT:4000.

You can also pass any other environment variables accepted by the server, as described in detail below.

Interacting with the WebSocket Server

WARNING: This API is extremely alpha. I know it's kind of confusing, sorry.

The WebSocket server uses MessagePack for serialization. Each message object contains a type field representing the type of message to send, and then some additional data. These are the types of messages you can send to the client:

  • {type: "open", prompt: "System prompt for agent"}
  • {type: "audio", audio: ArrayBuffer}
  • {type: "state", state: "waiting"}

After connecting, you should send an "open" message to the server with the system prompt for the agent you'd like to interact with. The server will immediately start pushing audio. The types of messages the server sends to the client are:

  • {type: "audio", audio: ArrayBuffer}
  • {type: "token", token: String}
  • {type: "interrupt", token: String}

Each audio event sends data as a MessagePack binary which will get decoded as a UInt8Array. The first 8 bytes are a sequencing token for interrupts. You should use the sequencing token to avoid race conditions in the event your agent is interrupted in the middle of streaming audio from ElevenLabs. The rest of the audio is a buffer matching the format provided in your configuration. For example, I recommend using pcm_44100 which will output 16-bit PCM audio data. Then you can convert the incoming audio data like:

const data = decoded.audio;

const tokenBytes = data.slice(0, 8);
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
const token = textDecoder.decode(tokenBytes);

const audio = new Int16Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset + 8, (data.byteLength - 8) / Int16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
this.enqueueAudioData({ token, audio });

Assuming you're using a queue to sequence incoming audio events.

interrupt events tell you that your model has been interrupted while speaking, and you should stop playback. Each interrupt event creates a new sequencing token to avoid race conditions. token events update the sequencing token for audio playback.

You should send data to the server in the same endianness as the server. You should also send it as FP32 PCM data. I recommend streaming to the server in chunks between 30ms and 250ms. You must sample audio at 16_000 Hz. The VAD model requires audio sampled at 16_000 hurts to work well. It does not support samples smaller than 30ms. Here's an example which pushes every 128ms:

    const audioOptions = {
      sampleRate: SAMPLING_RATE,
      echoCancellation: true,
      noiseSuppression: true,
      autoGainControl: true,
      channelCount: 1,

    navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: audioOptions }).then((stream) => {
      const source = this.microphoneContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
      this.processor = this.microphoneContext.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1);

      this.processor.onaudioprocess = (e) => {
        const pcmFloat32Data = this.convertEndianness32(

        const message = { type: "audio", audio: pcmFloat32Data };

        this.socket.send(encoder.encode(message), { type: "application/octet-stream" });


Configuration {#configuration}

Configuration is limited right now. The only supported LLM provider is OpenAI. The only supported TTS provider is ElevenLabs. You must set API keys for both:


The STT model is distil-whisper/distil-medium.v2 running with Nx and Bumblebee. I plan to add an support for customizable LLMs via external OpenAI-compatible endpoints, as well as LLMs running directly in server with Nx and Bumblebee.

There are a few TTS-specific customization options. If possible, I recommend keeping the defaults:




Thank you to Andres Alejos for help setting up the VAD model and Paulo Valente for some teachings on audio processing.