
A simple terminal UI player for di.fm

Primary LanguageGoBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


A simple terminal UI player for di.fm Premium

App Screenshot



Both linux and MacOS depend on pulseaudio to be running.


By default, pulseaudio on MacOS runs as "root", which is not ideal. PulseAudio is best run by non-root users. By symbolically linking the pulseaudio plist file into your user's ~/Library/LaunchAgents/, it runs as your user.

brew install pulseaudio
ln -s $(brew info pulseaudio | grep "/usr/local/Cellar" | awk '{print $1}')//homebrew.mxcl.pulseaudio.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
brew services start pulseaudio

Debian / Ubuntu

apt install pulseaudio


Binary Releases

There are binary builds available in releases.

With go install

go install github.com/acaloiaro/di-tui@latest

If $GOPATH/bin is not on your $PATH (modify accordingly for ZSH users ~/.zshrc)

echo "export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Run with nix run

nix run github:acaloiaro/di-tui


There are two authentication options

NOTE di.fm has started using Cloudflare on di.fm, which prevents di-tui from logging in with username and password. This also prevents adding/removing favorites within di-tui, since that functionality requires a credential that's separate from di.fm's "listen key", and only available by logging in with username/password. Use your Listen Key if you're a new di-tui user. If you've previously logged in with username and password, you'll remain logged in as long as ~/.config/di-tui/config.yml remains in place.

  • Enter your username and password directly into di-tui
  • If you're justifiably uncomfortable with entering your username/password into this application, copy your "Listen Key" from (https://www.di.fm/settings) and create the following file:


album_art: <BOOLEAN>
key description
token Your di.fm authentication "Listen Key" found at https://www.di.fm/settings
album_art Turn album art on or off

MPRIS/D-bus support

MPRIS is a D-Bus specification allowing media players to be controlled in a standardized way, e.g. with playerctl.

di-tui supports a very limited set of MPRIS commands. The limited set is to to the fact that di-tui is a streaming audio player, and it doesn't make sense to support next, previous, seek, etc., because audio streams have no next or previous track; or the ability to seek forward.

Supported MPRIS commands

play-pause Toggles Play/Pause, e.g. playerctl --player=di-tui play-pause toggles play/pause on di-tui if it's the active player

Supported MPRIS metadata

track The currently playing track

artist The currently playing artist

status The status of the player, e.g. playing, paused, stopped

playerName The name of the player: di-tui



By default, di-tui respects your terminal's color scheme. However, there are four color settings that one can change by adding a theme to config.yml.

Tomorrow-Night inspired theme

  primary_color: "#81a2be"
  background_color: "#2a1f1a"
  primary_text_color: "#969896"
  secondary_text_color: "#81a2be"

