This project provides a skeleton for a flask app that needs login capability. Feel free to clone and modify for your projects.

Running locally

This skeleton uses pipenv to manage your python environment and dependencies, so to use, you will have to install pipenv.

git clone
pipenv install

Because flask will then be installed only within your virtual environment, you won't be able to flask run from the command line (unless you configure your IDE to set your interpreter to that of the environment, which is very helpful). Instead, run such commands through pipenv:

pipenv run flask run

or set shortcut scripts in Pipfile such as dev = "flask run" so you can just type

pipenv run dev

Also, make sure you set the following environment variables. For development, put them in a file called .env, which will be automatically loaded, and for production set them on your server.

FLASK_ENV=your_environment # defaults to production

Make sure you initialize the database schema. I've set up a couple pipenv scripts to help with this:

pipenv run migrate
pipenv run upgrade

As you modify your schema, you will have to repeat these commands.

From here, modify any files as needed for your app!