Mac provisioner and configuration updater

Getting Started


This tool supports modern macOS.

To install, just run this command:

$SHELL <(curl -fsSL '')

Provisioning will take about 5 minutes.


Need the latest .vimrc? Just run rock update from any directory - the executable is on your path after installation.


Aliases & Tab Completion

No need to come up with your own aliases, if there is a tool you use often, chances are there's an oh-my-zsh plugin to help you out. Besides coming with tab completion, using these aliases brings a level of standardization and makes it unlikely you'd conflict with an alias for another tool.

Enabling a plugin is as simple as omz plugin enable <name>. You'll do this based on what tools you run - for example, if you have a php app you'll probably use the composer plugin. Some of these are enabled by default. Browse availible plugins here

Vim keybindings

This module loads a robust vim config - besides configuring many nice things that you don't even have to think about, it initializes the following non-standard (but common) keybindings:

  • <leader> - [space]
  • zo - open code fold
  • zc - close code fold
  • W - sudo save
  • Wq - sudo save & exit
  • jk - enter normal mode (easier than [esc])
  • kj - also, enter normal mode (so you can just smash both keys at once)
  • B - move to beginning of line
  • E - move to end of line
  • L - toggle line numbers (for copying with a mouse selection from a remote)