
Cross Modular extensions for Codeigniter 3.0

Primary LanguagePHP

Cross Modules for Codeigniter 3.0


NEXT VERSION, compatible with CI 3.0.4, can be found in ...


What is Cross Modules

Based on Wiredesign HMVC, (Hiererchical Model/View/Contoller), XHMVC allow to have common modules shared betweeen all applications. All the modules can have all components under only one directory: config, controllers, helpers, languages, libraries, models, views This allow to re-use a module component in other projects, only with a simple copy/paste !!

Modules can be shared between different applications located under /apps directory.

Take alook to this explain: http://xhmvc.4amics.com/applications/demo/www/user_guide/

Demo : http://xhmvc.4amics.com/applications/demo/www/

Composer ready

Edit the composer.json to add any package that you want. You can use it in any controller, model or view.

    "require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "4.7.*"

To use composer, goto base dir and type: composer install


XHMVC is ready-to-go, you only need to extract to any directory under a document root of your choice.

Needed: Apache (mod_rewrite enabled for a ready-to-go functionality) + PHP (5.3).

Other functions installed

  • XHMVC have the Xtends, a module extender that allow to extend your controller from a common controller, and add functionallity to base methods.
  • XCache and XDBCache, A cache system ussing files, memcache, apc, mongodb, easy extensible to other drivers.
  • Profiler - A usefull profiler to see what is happen