
Deployment tool using Fabric

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Streema Deployer

Base deploy tool using Fabric

Directory structure

├── __init__.py
├── envs.py             # App environments such as staging/prod/etc go here
├── fabfile.py          # Main fabfile
├── requirements.txt 
├── settings.py         # App and fabric settings go here
└── tasks               # Task directory, create any task and call it from fabfile.py
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── git.py
    ├── pyenv.py
    ├── python.py
    └── virtualenv.py


You must have a .env file with the required variables on your app's root directory that is using deployer

Env Variables

Required env variables

INSTALL_DIR=/path/to/dir Path where to setup the application. directory MUST exist.

PRODUCTION_SERVERS=<ip|domain>,<ip|domain>... A list of IPs and/or domains of production servers

APP_REPO_URL=git@github.com:streema/<project>.git Application repository URL that is going to be deployed

APP_PYTHON_VERSION=<python.version> Python version to use on your app

APP_NAME=<application name> Application name, this is used mostly in combination with APP_PYTHON_VERSION to generate different virtual environments. This way you can have the same application running on different python versions.

Optional env variables

STAGING_SERVERS=<ip|domain>,<ip|domain>,... You need this one in order to use fab staging <command>

Example .env file



Add a new remote repository

fab production git_remote_add:<remoteurl>,<name>


fab production git_remote_add:git@github.com:n0n0x/deployer.git,n0n0x

Deploy master branch

fab production deploy

Deploy other branch

fab production deploy:remotename/branch


fab production deploy:n0n0x/fixes will deploy fixes branch from remote n0n0x