
To perform Data vs Lumi study

  • enter in JSONCalc/ directory and set

    export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/afs/cern.ch/cms/lumi/brilconda-1.1.7/bin:$PATH

    If you never used brilcalc you should also do:

    pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/.local" brilws
  • then run the scripts:

    • ./CalcJSON.sh to convert JSON file in txt
    • python SplitPerLumi.py to divide JSON into lumi block
  • exit from the JSONCalc/ directory and run the scripts:

    • python ExtractHistos.py to store data into histo for each lumi block (needs some time)
    • python FitDATA.py
    • python FitMC.py
    • python DataVsLumi.py to plot Data vs Lumi

Then you can use:

  • python yellowPlots.py to plot Data vs MC histos (DATA/MC comparison on the Z peak)

To compare Iso DATA/MC distributions:

  • python IsoDistrib_DATA.py
  • python IsoDistrib_MC.py
  • python IsoDistrib_DATAvsMC.py

To compare SIP DATA/MC distributions:

  • python SipDistrib_DATA.py
  • python SipDistrib_MC.py
  • python SipDistrib_DATAvsMC.py

To compare LepBDT DATA/MC distributions:

  • python LepBDTdistrib_DATA.py
  • python LepBDTdistrib_MC.py
  • python LepBDTdistrib_DATAvsMC.py

To compare jet DATA/MC distributions:

  • python jetsDistrib_DATAvsMC.py

To compare Lepton pT eta phi DATA/MC distributions:

  • python LepPtEtaPhiDistrib_DATAvsMC.py