
Introduction to synthesis and SuperCollider course, taught at the Roundhouse, London in January/February 2014

Primary LanguageSuperCollider

Synth Design Course - Roundhouse 2014

A synth design course taught in SuperCollider.

Taught to 16-25 year olds at the Roundhouse, Camden, London as part of their Take Part projects in the lead up to the Roundhouse Rising festival.


Workshop format

  • 1:30 - 2:00 setup/catchup
  • 2:00 - 3:00 session 1
  • 3:00 - 3:20 break
  • 3:20 - 4:40 session 2
  • 4:40 - 4:50 discussion
  • 4:50 - 5:00 packup

Workshop Topics

1 - 11/01

  • Intro to SuperCollider
  • Coding Basics
  • Making a sound
  • Input: MouseX/Y, MIDIdef

2 - 18/01

  • Catchup: synths, variables, .set
  • SynthDef/Synth
  • Envelopes
  • Polyphony
  • Into to filters

3 - 25/01

  • Catchup: SynthDefs, Envelopes, Polyphony
  • Filters
  • Subtractive Synthesis
  • retriggering envelopes
  • Demo: recreating Logic's ES P

4 - 01/02

  • Learning by example
  • Mul, add and modulation
  • Sound files
  • Phase Vocoder

5 - 08/02 Cover Tutor - Dr. Matthew Yee-King

  • Sequencing with code
  • FX / Routing
  • FM synthesis
  • Drum Synthesis

6-7 - 15/02 - 16/02

  • Live Input
  • Machine Listening:
    • Onsets
    • Pitch/Tartini
    • Amplitude
  • Integrating with DAW

Acknowledgements / Misc

Teaching style and material influenced by Nick Collins' SuperCollider Tutorial


Examples folder includes material from SuperCollider examples, sc-users mailing list, sccode.org. Credit in files

Video of students jamming with the synths they coded:
