This is a GitHub repository for the classification of sentiment and intent of customer response in a conversation between a customer and a representative.
Example Customer Response: "I've had some bad experiences with phone warranties before. What does AppleCare+ actually cover?"
When we query the Sentiment Analysis Classifier we get the following probability distribution:
When we query the Intent Classifier we get the following probability distribution:
First, clone the repository to your local machine.
It is recommended that you create a virtual environment to install and run this project
To create a virtual environment simply type the following code.
conda create -n chatanalysis python=3.9
After creating the virtual environment you need to activate it.
conda activate chatanalysis
To install the package simply type the following command in the project directory.
pip install -e .
To use the tool simply type in the command line the following. This will run the program with default parameters that are given in config.yaml
To view the input parameter options type the following.
chat-analysis --help
You can specify the chat log file path as a command line input argument as such.
chat-analysis --input_file=data/sample-data-2.json
For discussion questions see discussion.txt