Chatbot - Higher Ed - Brain


API documentation is available in Swagger UI in the following URL:


The static website serving the UI is hosted on the cb-highered-brain-swagger S3 Bucket. The automatically-generated JSON file with Swagger/OpenAPI models for the API that feed the UI are in docs/swagger_dist/docs/api-cb-highered-brain.json. A helper script located in is run periodically to export the JSON file from API Gateway and upload it into the corresponding S3 Bucket.


All the data related to the chatbot is stored in DynamoDB noSQL databases. Baseline, "static" data includes information on students' characteristics (e.g. gender), degrees' characteristics (e.g. price), and credit options' characteristics (e.g. interest rate). Student data is augmented by information collected during the interaction session, and is stored in the sessions table.

  • *-students-*
    • Partition key: web_id (String)
    • Sort key: NA
    • GSI: NA
  • *-degrees-*
    • Partition key: option_id (String)
    • Sort key: NA
    • GSI: NA
  • *-credits-*
    • Partition key: credit_id (String)
    • Sort key: NA
    • GSI: NA
  • *-sessions-*
    • Partition key: session_id (String)
    • Sort key: NA
    • GSI:
      • Name: user_id-index
      • Partition key: user_id
      • Sort key: NA

Note on efficient partitioning of user-sessions

User-Session data is stored in *-sessions-*, where session_id is the partition key, and user_id is only an attribute. We avoid using user_id as a partition key (with session_id as a sort key) because DynamoDB scales efficiently by assigning a table's partition to different nodes, and we expect the generic "public user" to experience a high number of concurrent operations. Tables partitioned by session sidestep this issue. See here for more information.

Because accessing the sessions of a given user is important, we implement a Global Secondary Index (GSI) on the user_id attribute. The endpoint methods associated to this GSI are of the form /user/.

Table generation

The two DynamoDB tables described above are generated using the program defined in Run the program using the following syntax:

python [-s [stage]] [-t [table]]

Options and defaults are:

  • -s, --stage=dev
  • -t, --table-type=logs

Table types are either sessions or logs. Individual table specs (i.e. naming, environment variables, primary keys, GSI) are all specified in the script itself.