
A 'Total IDE' build of the One Dark Pro theme for RStudio

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One Dark Pro for RStudio

A 'Total IDE' build of the One Dark Pro theme for RStudio!

This fork

This is repo is a fork of github.com/johnnybarrels/rstudio-one-dark-pro-theme. The reason why I created this fork is mostly aesthetics: some menus had ugly (i.e. white) backgrounds that stuck out in this otherwise dark theme, and sometimes even made text unreadable. I upvoted this issue and created a PR to fix it, but the repo appears unmaintained. Therefore, I took it into my own hands to implement and maintain these fixes.

Additionally, I did not like having the plots in the plot viewer darkened to fit the theme. I prefer the plots being shown exactly in the colors that they will be exported.


FIRST: In RStudio, go to Global Options -> Appearance and ensure either Modern or Sky are selected as the RStudio Theme at the top


Run the following snippet in the RStudio Console:

rstudioapi::addTheme('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/acarril/rstudio-one-dark-pro-theme/master/OneDarkPro.rstheme', apply=TRUE, force=TRUE)

Note that this will override any other theme named 'One Dark Pro' you may have (this can be controlled by removing the force=True argument).

If you get the error:

Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'rstudioapi'

run install.packages('rstudioapi') and try again.


  • Download the OneDarkPro.rstheme file from this repository (or clone)
  • In RStudio go to Global Options -> Appearance, and click the Add... button under Editor Theme
  • Navigate to the downloaded OneDarkPro.rstheme file, hit Open and you're good to go


This theme was adapted from this theme, many thanks to Patrick for working out how to theme more than just the code editor in RStudio!

Note: There can be versioning issues with some of the various UI components (different item class codes etc). These usually present themselves as parts of the UI with white text on a white background. If you do run into any UI issues, feel free to look through the issues listed here or create a new one for me to take a look at.

This theme has been tested and is fully functional on:

macOS Catalina 10.1576, RStudio 2021.09.2+382 "Ghost Orchid" Release (fc9e217980ee9320126e33cdf334d4f4e105dc4f, 2022-01-04)


Windows 10, RStudio 1.2.5033

The editor font I use is Fira Code, and the majority of the UI font is Open Sans. It is not necessary to install these.

If you have any suggested improvements, let me know here!