
Run Stata code from the Atom text editor on Windows, Mac, or Linux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Send code to Stata from Atom. This package supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux.



  • Version 1.4.0 includes Windows support!


In the terminal run apm install stata-exec or go to Settings > Install and search for stata-exec. This package depends on language-stata, which you should be prompted to install if needed.


MacOS has no dependencies but you must select the flavor of Stata you own in the package's configuration. Learn more in the configuration section below. Then head to the usage section for more details on running code.


Windows installation has a few steps, and I haven't been able to perfectly reproduce the working package on all computers. I hope to make this easier in the future, but for now this will have to do. Sadly, at this point you need administrator privileges to install this for Windows.

  1. Make sure you've installed this package and language-stata. In the command prompt, run apm install stata-exec language-stata or go to Settings > Install and search for stata-exec and language-stata.

  2. Install this specific version of the program Node to your computer. Use the default installation settings.

  3. Open up an administrator PowerShell (you can right click on the Windows icon at the bottom left and select "Windows PowerShell (Admin)") and type in:

    npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

    This took me 5-10 minutes to install. This is installing Python and other tools needed to install the package in the next step. When finished you should see a long list of names in a tree, like this:

    `-- windows-build-tools@2.2.1
      +-- chalk@2.3.2
      | +-- ansi-styles@3.2.1
      | | `-- color-convert@1.9.1
      | |   `-- color-name@1.1.3
  4. Open up Command Prompt (type cmd in the search bar in the dock, and it will be the first result) and type in:

    cd %USERPROFILE%\.atom\packages\stata-exec
    npm install winax --python=%USERPROFILE%\.windows-build-tools\python27\python.exe
    atom -v

    Then enter the following, where you need to replace ELECTRON_VERSION with the text following "Electron" in the output of atom -v.

    npm rebuild winax --runtime=electron --target=ELECTRON_VERSION --disturl=https://atom.io/download/atom-shell --build-from-source
  5. Link the Stata Automation library. The following steps worked for me on Windows 10. The Stata executable is most likely in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata15.

    1. In the installation directory, right-click on the Stata executable, for example, StataSE.exe. Choose "Create Shortcut".
    2. Right-click on the newly created "Shortcut to StataSE.exe", choose "Property", and change the Target from "C:\Program Files\Stata13\StataSE.exe" to "C:\Program Files\Stata13\StataSE.exe" /Register. Click "OK".
    3. Right-click on the updated "Shortcut to StataSE.exe"; choose "Run as administrator"

    While you're doing that, add the path of the Stata executable to the "Stata Path" option in the settings.

  6. Restart Atom.

Now you can open up a Stata do-file and run code! See Usage for more details.


Linux users must install Autokey. On Ubuntu, that's as simple as:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:troxor/autokey
sudo apt update
sudo apt install autokey-gtk

You must then link the stata-exec.py file to your Autokey data directory. This is ~/.config/autokey/data/My Phrases by default, so you can add the file to that directory with the command

ln -s ~/.atom/packages/stata-exec/linux/stata-exec.py ~/.config/autokey/data/My\ Phrases/

This only needs to be done once. (Creating a symlink ensures that the script is always the most up to date version.) Additionally, the autokey program must be running for code sending to work. To do this, open up a new terminal and run autokey-gtk; this process needs to be running each time you run code. (Alternatively, there's an option in Autokey's settings to start the program by default at login.)

Important: You cannot click anywhere while your command is being pasted to Stata. This package works on Linux by copying and pasting your commands (minus comments) to the Stata window, so if you click back in Atom while it's pasting, your commands will be pasted back into Atom and may crash Atom.


Code can be run using either the Command Palette or with keyboard shortcuts.

To open the Command Palette, press cmd-shift-P / ctrl-shift-P, and then start typing Stata Exec. The available commands will be shown in the drop-down menu.

The following are the default keyboard shortcuts (Mac / Windows and Linux). These can be personalized in your keymap.cson.

  • cmd-enter / ctrl-enter: run selection or current line in Stata.

  • shift-enter: run selection or current line in Stata and move down.

  • shift-cmd-D / shift-ctrl-D: run entire file in Stata. (File must be saved first. This runs do "/path/to/current/file")

  • shift-alt-P / ctrl-alt-p: run the previous command.

  • shift-cmd-C / shift-ctrl-C: change Stata's working directory to that of current file.

  • shift-cmd-G / shift-ctrl-G: run paragraph under current cursor. A paragraph is a region enclosed by whitespace.

  • shift-cmd-R / shift-ctrl-R: run program definition under current cursor. If there exists program drop on the line before program define, the line including the former will be included in the selection. For example, all the lines in the below snippet would be sent to Stata:

    cap program drop myProgram
    program define myProgram
        // program contents

    Note that end must be on a line by itself to be identified as the end of the program.


All configuration can be done in the settings panel (Settings > Packages > stata-exec). The available options are listed below:

  • Stata Path (used for Windows only)
    • Absolute path to Stata executable. The default setting will most likely need to be changed to reflect your install location and Stata flavor.
  • Which App (used for macOS only)
    • Select StataIC, StataSE, or StataMP depending on which version of Stata you have.
    • Select XQuartz if you want to run selections in session of Stata on a remote Unix server. To set this up, you need to have Stata already open in XQuartz; Atom will not open it for you. In your terminal, you'll need to do something like ssh username@host -Y, likely followed by xstata. This package's commands to run the entire do file and set the working directory are not supported on XQuartz.
  • Advance Position
    • If checked, move cursor to the next line/paragraph after running the current line/paragraph.
  • Focus Window
    • If checked, bring the Stata window to focus when sending code.
    • Otherwise, code runs in the background and the screen remains focused on Atom.
  • Notifications
    • If checked, a pop-up notification will appear when a paragraph or function is not identified.
  • Skip Comments
    • If this and Advance Position are checked, after running a line the cursor will move to the next uncommented line.
  • Paste Speed (used for XQuartz only)
    • This value changes the amount of time the program waits between switching to the XQuartz window, pasting code, and sending "enter". The only way to send code to XQuartz is to use the clipboard, and the responsiveness of this process will depend on the speed of your internet connection. If the copy-pasting isn't working, try increasing the value. Decreasing the value will run your code faster. Value must be between 0.1 and 10.


Troubleshooting and Known Issues

  • Run All doesn't run the last line of the do file.
    • Stata needs there to be a newline character following the last line of text. Add an empty line to the end of the file and it'll work.
  • On Linux, the Stata GUI window must be the only program open with a window title of Stata/
  • On Linux, sending unicode characters is not currently supported. See this issue.
  • On Linux, you cannot click anywhere while your command is being pasted to Stata. This package works on Linux by copying and pasting your commands (minus comments) to the Stata window, so if you click back in Atom while it's pasting, your commands will be pasted back into Atom and may crash Atom.