
A node.js scheduler app to find mutual meeting times among team members

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A node.js scheduler app to find mutual meeting times among group members.

Link to Version Deployed on Google Cloud


YouTube Demo


Quick Start (Run Locally)

Install dependencies

 npm install

Initalize database

 npm run seed

Start the server:

 npm start

Login Information

The following accounts are written to the database in the seed script:

The password for each of these accounts is 123. Use any of them to login and view the seeded data. It is recommended to create your own account(s) to test the email functionality (invite email, deleted schedule email, final schedule email). Two email addresses are necessary to properly test all of the email functions (one to create schedules, the other to recieve invites and deletion notifications).

Group Members

  • Yang, Haolin
  • Bakhsh, Shujaat
  • Liu, Yangyang
  • Wang, Jiawei
  • Caruso, Alexander

Main idea

The general idea for this app is to provide functionality to users to schedule meetings and agree upon a common date and time. This is similar to an app called Doodle. A user can create a schedule, and specify the email addresses of group members he or she would like to invite to select a time they are available. For example, the creator of the schedule could create an event ‘CS546 Group Meeting’, select several potential meeting dates and times, and send out a blank schedule to group members based on email addresses. The members receiving the invite like will select the dates/times they are available to meet, which will be written to the database, and the schedule UI on the website will update.

Core Features

  • Create account / login
  • Create a schedule / meeting
    • Create details with HTML form (members, dates/times, event title, event description)
  • Grid UI with names on one axis, and dates on the other
    • The content of the grid will be the times users are available for that day, or the string 'Not Available'
  • Send out invites to edit schedule via email
    • User will create an account if they don’t already have one
    • Once the user has created an account, they will be able to view the current state of the schedule to which they were to invited to edit / add to
    • Link invitees to an HTML form where they select their availability
  • Notes / Comments on schedules
  • Dashboard in homepage / user profile showing a given user’s schedules
    • Show information such as the schedules a user has created or was invited to, as well as a button to create a new schedule
  • Set a timer on responses this feature was scratched (approved by professor) as it is inconvenient to test
    • Require invited members to respond within a certain amount of time (e.g. 3 days) → otherwise send out finalized schedule as-is
  • Send out a link to the finalized version of the schedule via email, after the last invitee has responded

Extra features

  • Delete a schedule
  • Send out notification email to all users when a schedule is deleted
  • Conditional formatting on grid UI (green if the user is available, red if not)
  • Deployed app to Google Cloud platform
  • Resceduler (allow creator of schedule to change times based on member availabilities determined from notes / comments) NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • Restrict total number of attendees (e.g. invite 20 people, but close responses after 10 people respond) NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • Integrate with Google Calendar API (place an event on members’ calendars once a finalized meeting time is decided) NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • User profile page (include information such as work hours & hobbies, gender, etc.) → include edit capabilities NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • Invite members based on profile characteristics (e.g. hobbies) NOT IMPLEMENTED
    • This feature would allow users to create open events for anyone interested (for example, planning a sports event) NOT IMPLEMENTED
  • Update selections within a certain window NOT IMPLEMENTED
    • For example, allow a user to change his or her selections within a certain amount of time of the original invite NOT IMPLEMENTED

Side Notes

  • In the local version of this application, the dates selected in the createSchedule form are offset by one day when displayed elsewhere in the UI, due to a timezone conversion issue in MongoDB. This is solved in the version deployed on Google Cloud, since you can set a default timezone with Mongo Atlas. Please test using the deployed version
  • There are a few instances in the codebase where it is not possible to pass both the W3 HTML validator tests, as well as Tota11y accessability tests:
    • We have a landing page with a looping video background, and Tota11y considers the video tag to be an input, so it requires a label with a matching id. But the W3 validator doesn't consider the video tag to be an input, so it tells us that our label doesn't have an associated input.
      • The same issue occurs on the Non-Authenticated error page, and the logout page
    • Another tradeoff we made is on the inviteForm page. Tota11y tests will fail because the checkbox inputs are missing a label. However, due to the logic of this page, it is impossible to label the inputs without having duplicate ids (duplicate ids are invalid HTML). This is because when there are multiple dates considered, the handlebars {{#each}} loop causes duplicate ids in the checkboxes. We opted for valid HTML over passing Tota11y tests.

Database Schema


    "_id": "7b7997a2-c0d2-4f8c-b27a-6a1d4b5b6310",
    "fullName": "John Doe",
    "email": "john.doe@gmail.com",
    "hashedPassword": "$2a$08$XdvNkfdNIL8F8xsuIUeSbNOFgK0M0iV5HOskfVn7.PWncShU.O", 
Name Type Description
_id ObjectId A globally unique id to represent the user.
fullName String The user’s full name
email String The email address associated with the user
hashedPassword String The user’s password, hashed with bcrypt
schedules Array of ObjectIds A list of schedule ids that the user is associated with (created or invited)


    "_id": "5y489a2-c0d2-4f8c-b27a-6a1d4b5784511",
    "creator": "7b7997a2-c0d2-4f8c-b27a-6a1d4b5b6310",
    "dateCreated": "Mon Mar 26 2019 21:03:02 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)", 
    "title": "CS546 Meeting",
   "description": "Meet to work on database proposal",
   "numInvitees": 2,
   "users": [ 
   "dates": [ 
       "Mon Apr 01 2019",
       "Tues Apr 02 2019",
       "Thurs Apr 04 2019",
   "responses": [
           "user": "3a647a2-c0d2-4f8c-b27a-6a1d4b5b5100",
           "availability": [
                   "date": "Mon Apr 01 2019",
                   "times": ["1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM"]
Name Type Description
_id ObjectId A globally unique id to represent the schedule.
creator ObjectId An id to represent the user who created the schedule.
dateCreated Date Object The date that the schedule was created
users Array of ObjectIds A list of users associated with the schedule (the users who have been invited to edit, and the creator)
title String A title for the schedule
description String A description for the schedule
numInvitees Int The number of user invited to edit the schedule
dates Array of Date objects A list of dates containing the days being considered to meet
'responses' object
Name Type Description
user ObjectId The id of the user who responded
availability Array of objects List of objects to store the date and time availability selected by the user
'availability' object
Name Type Description
date Date object The date that the user is available
times Array of strings List of times the user is available on that date


   "_id": "5y489a2-c0d2-4f8c-b27a-6a1d4b5784511",
   "scheduleId": "5t487a2-c0d2-4f8c-b27a-6a1d4b5b1111", 
   "userId": "7b7997a2-c0d2-4f8c-b27a-6a1d4b5b6310",
   "user": "John Doe",
   "comment": "I can only meet on Monday"
Name Type Description
_id ObjectId A globally unique id to represent the note
scheduleId ObjectId The id of the schedule associated with this note
userId ObjectId The id of the user who created this note
comment String The content for this note