
Script to built an OGN station on a Pi4 (Pi3) based on a fresh Buster Image

Primary LanguageShell


Script to built an OGN station on a Pi4 (Pi3) based on a fresh Raspbian Buster Lite image and OGN version 0.2.8


During the setup process you will be asked to edit (using nano) two files, one of them is myPlace.conf for which you should have the following credentials at hand:

  • SDR device number (to avoid conflicts if you have multiple SDRs installed)
  • SDR frequency correction [ppm] (this can also be measured and mofified accordingly post install if unknown)
  Device   = 0;            # Device index for OGN reception. E.g. check "sudo rtl_eeprom -d 0" or "-d 1", ...
  FreqCorr = 0;            # [ppm] "big" R820T sticks have 40-80ppm correction factors, measure it with gsm_scan
  • GPS coordinates and altitude for your OGN station, GeoidSepar needs to be disabled:
{ Latitude   =   +48.0000; # [deg] Antenna coordinates
  Longitude  =    +9.0000; # [deg]
  Altitude   =        100; # [m]   Altitude above sea leavel
  # GeoidSepar =       48; # [m]   Geoid separation: FLARM transmits GPS altitude, APRS uses means Sea level altitude
} ;
  • APRS name:
{ Call = "SampleAPRSnameToChange";      # APRS callsign (max. 9 characters)
                                        # Please refer to http://wiki.glidernet.org/receiver-naming-convention
} ;

The second file to be edited during the setup process is rtlsdr-ogn.conf in which SampleConfigurationFileNameToChange.conf needs to be replaced with myPlace.conf.

automatic setup

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git -y
git clone https://github.com/VirusPilot/ogn-pi34.git
./ogn-pi34/install-pi3.sh # for Pi3
./ogn-pi34/install-pi4.sh # for Pi4

change from Ethernet to WiFi connection

sudo raspi-config

post install modifications

GSM gain/frequency and ppm calibration

OGN gain

  • tbd.