
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Graffiti Wall

Graffiti Wall is a full-stack MERN application that allows users to create pieces of art and add them to the wall.

Home Page

Create Art

Technologies Used

  1. React
  2. JavaScript
  4. MongoDB
  5. Mongoose
  6. Express
  7. Node
  8. Semantic UI
  9. Material UI
  10. React Canvas Draw
  11. React Color

Getting Started

Deployed App

Project Planning

  1. Sign up for an account.
  2. Log in.
  3. Click 'Make your Mark'.
  4. Create art.
  5. Click 'Add to Wall'.
  6. View your art on the wall!

Next Steps

Future enhancements can be seen in detail on the publicly available Trello board. In summary:

  1. Alpha modifier for paint colors.
  2. More options for painting, such as a spray paint tool.
  3. Viewing usernames for submitted pieces.
  4. Ability to like pieces on the graffiti wall.