
Demo project that allows to search albums using the LastFm API

Primary LanguageSwift



Xcode 10, iOS 12.1


  • Open LastFm.xcodeproj. When open press run using a simulator or device.

  • Run the test using CMD + U

  • The project has two view controllers called AlbumSearchtListViewController that shows a list of albums for a query. And the AlbumInfoViewController that shows the albums details including the tracks

  • Unit tests are done with XCTest. The test covearage is 97.2%.

  • The only third party libraries are RxSwift and RxCocoa and the code is written using the below coding standards. Also ImageCache that was developed by me some time ago.

Coding standards


  • Use descriptive names with camelcase for classes, methods, variables, etc. Classes should be capitalized while method names should start with lowercase


  • Method braces always open in the same line
  • Use one space separation between any operators for clarity

Code Separation

  • Use //MARK: - to make navigating the code easier


  • Conditionals bodies should always be in braces

Ternary Operator

  • Should only be used when increases clarity


  • There should be an space between method arguments

Extensions naming

  • ClassName+Functionality


  • Declare all protocols in its own file
  • File should have the same name as the protocol

Use of self

  • Avoid using self since Swift doesn’t require it to access objects or methods

Completion blocks

  • Don't include their definition unless is necessary e.g () -> () in remove () -> ()


  • Try to use native types when available

Type inference

  • Let the compiler infer the type for a constant or variable unless you need to specify a type


  • No need to use them, you should not have two statements in the same line

Code header comments

  • Should be removed as the code belongs to the team not to the person the has created the class

Other considerations

  • Keep it simple
  • Keep classes and methods short
  • No comments (the code should be self explanatory)

Project structure

  • Classes
    • AppDelegate
    • Utils
    • ThirdParty
    • Model
      • Domain
      • Network
    • Controllers
      • Views
    • Resources
      • Images, fonts, strings, plists, etc


  • Create class folders in finder and drag them to Xcode

Unit Testing

  • Unit testing is done using XCTest