
⛽️ Graphql API using graphql-yoga to find nearby open gas stations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Find gas Graphql API

API in Graphql using graphql-yoga that receives lat,lng coordinates and returns the location of the coordinate, address info and a list of open gas stations nearby.

This is a graphql implementation of this code: https://github.com/acaua/findgas-server

Downloading and usage instructions

  1. Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/acaua/findgas-graphql.git
  1. cd into server folder
cd findgas-grapql
  1. Install dependencias
npm install
  1. Start server in development mode
npm run server
  1. Check if it is up and play with graphql playground by acessing http://localhost:4000/

    "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

  2. Start server

npm start
  1. Deploy to now https://zeit.co/now
  1. Enjoy! 😎