
Image Style Classifier using deep learning

Primary LanguagePython


Image Style Classifier using deep learning

This is an improved CNN for classifing image asthetic styles using tensorflow

Summarizing, this code does:

1 - gets images on folder and append it in a big array. image source: flicker groups and pinterest. Download dataset used at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BznDcpqi4yXxbEc0NkdZVzdaUGc?usp=sharing

2 - convert images in one big tensor of color values

3 - set cnn parameters

4 - define network model

5 - set a array for labeling and compare each image style first version: the styles are noir, bright and long-exposure.

5 - set training

6 - run the function

This code was developed under the guideness of the college professor Lucas Lattari (github profile: lucaslattari)