Block or Inline

We have to identify whether the following elements are block or inline. To identify that, please

render each element twice inside a <div> block. Make sure that you give the div the right

data-ns-test attribute value as mentioned in the list below. The div block will look something

like this-

`<div data- ns- attribute="block- inline- button"></div>`

After rendering the elements twice, also mention whether the element is Inline or Block in the


Answer: Inline


Answer: Block

based on whether the elements come in the same row or different.

Sample solution for button element:

Test1 Test2 Answer: Inline

Following are the data-ns-test attribute value required for each of the elements:

  1. button→ block-inline-button
  2. div→ block-inline-div
  3. span→ block-inline-span
  4. p→ block-inline-p
  5. input→ block-inline-input
  6. cite→ block-inline-cite
  7. code→ block-inline-cite
  8. p→ block-inline-p
  9. h1→ block-inline-h1
  10. sup→ block-inline-sup
  11. sub→ block-inline-sub

Render divs for other elements one after the other. The order does not matter. The content inside

the elements matter. The first element should have Test1 and the second element should have Test2

in the content.

Also read about data-* attributes :)