Car Insurance Form

Make a Car insurance registration form to take

  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Gender (radio buttons)
  4. Car Brands (options : [BMW, Audi, Mercedez])
  5. Car Age
  6. Date of Purchase(dop)
  7. Password
  8. submit button

Kindly follow all the instructions mentioned below so that your code passes all the test cases


    • are required fields,
  1. Use method attribute value that you should use in this case for the form!
  2. The respective input elements for the mentioned fields should have ids (i). #name (ii). #email (iii). #password (iv). #cars (v). #carage (vi). #dop For example, the element for selecting car brand should have id #cars.
  3. The radio buttons for gender should have name attribute as gender.
  4. All input elements must also have corresponding labels with for attribute set to id's of element they belong. For example, label for input of name will be <label for=""name""> Name</label>
  5. Use Button of type=submit