Encapsulation in Java



  • Encapsulation
  • Task 1:
  • Create a file Main.java and RWOnly.java in same package
  • Task 2:
  • create a class named RWOnly in RWOnly.java, with a private member variable name
  • Task 3:
  • create main function in Main.java, and crete an obj of class RWOnly in this file
  • Task 4:
  • try, setting a value to name, by directly accessing it using obj and also try printing it
  • Error: you might seen some error, please not it down in commnets
  • Task 5:
  • try implementing getter and setters member function in class RWOnly
  • Task 6:
  • Now, try setting a value to name in Main function using setter function and access it's value using getter function
  • Learnings:
  • Encapsulation is used for hidding data,
  • you can create a readOnly member, by just implementing getter funtion for that
  • Or you can also create a writeOnly member, by just implementing setter function for that */