Semantic IMDb

Create a simple HTML document. It should consist of your favorite movie, should have actors of the movie, and some quotes from the movie that you liked. Style your page as you like.

Acceptance Criteria:

Following are some mandatory tags that are required. You can choose to add others as well.

  • header should have the name of the movie

  • nav should link to different sections of your page- Actors and Quotes- with ids as nav-actor and nav-quote respectively

  • summary should have a short summary of the plot of the movie

  • section there should be 2 sections in the page with the ids = actor and quote respectively. One section should have details about the actors in the movie, the other should have your favourite quote from the movie

  • aside should have information about the imdb rating of the movie and its release date

  • footer should have Producer's name in the format: Produced by: &lt name &gt