
Simple top-down shoot-em-up game

Primary LanguageC

Poundshot, a simple top-down shoot-em-up game

Copyright (C) Robert Cochran 2015

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Build Instructions
Depends on libncurses and the standard POSIX library. libncurses should
be installable with your local package manager - refer to your system's
documentation for details. Once installed, type 'make' to build.

WASD - Move in the cardinal directions
IJKL - Shoot in the cardinal directions

-This project is *old*, and thus really messy and badly coded.

There are several things you can do to clean up this project :

* Some places have /waaay/ too much indentation. Refactor the logic
to reduce the amount of nested blocks.

* It would probably be better to replace the key codes in l_char() and
l_bullet() with some sort of symbolic constant. Good options are #define's
or an enum.

* Same thing for the direction codes, actually. Those need it too. Stay
consistant with your choice of #define or enum.

* Maybe do some math to make d_explosion() a smaller function?

* It's good style to include a comment at the beginning of a function
to explain its purpose, function parameters, and return values.

* If you're feeling *really* adventurous, then you can remove all of the
global variables and use only local variables via function parameters.
(This would be complicated, and I would recommend doing this last, if at
all. Don't worry about it if you feel you aren't up to it)

* Succeeded in removing all the global variables? Great! Now you can split
up the functions into different files based on their purpose.

Need help?

Both myself and @JoshuaBrockschmidt would be more than happy to answer any
questions you have, especially about the codebase itself, which you can't
find easily by web search. Do please, however, try a web search first for
things not directly related to the codebase. Even if you are unable to figure
out what you need, it will hopefully still teach you something, and telling
us that you've done these things will help us help you.

Good luck and happy hacking!